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How to Create Effective Facebook Ads

Facebook ads have become the place of choice for heads of small and medium-sized businesses to deliver their brand message and products to specific audiences.

Knowing how to create effective Facebook ads will go a long way in driving more traffic, increasing brand awareness, and increasing sales. But there are so many things to consider that you don't always know how to do it:

  1. place of publication,
  2. dimensions,
  3. images,
  4. style,
  5. composition,
  6. colors,
  7. fonts ...

How to Create Effective Facebook Ads
How to Create Effective Facebook Ads

How do you know what is working and what is not? What will make your brand or product different from other publications?

If you're new to this or want to improve your Facebook ad design, read this article for our 11 pro tips for creating beautiful and effective Facebook ads and Facebook ads best practices 2022.

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads manager; It is one of the strategies that are being used powerfully in the world of marketing today. It is no secret that Facebook is currently one of the most powerful means of social media and digital marketing as well. There are about 3 billion users around the world, but you need to know how to communicate with them correctly.

But also, posting on Facebook alone is no longer enough. When you make Facebook ads, you need to know how to do this ad? How do you use and direct it properly?

How to make ads on Facebook

The principle of Facebook ads is to target a specific segment of users who have similar and common features. Then place your ad on the news of these users (there are several places where Facebook Ad Places can appear).

Let's take into account that there are many forms and types of Facebook Ad Formats, each with certain characteristics and specific goals, which can be chosen according to desire and need.

How to make ads on Facebook
How to make ads on Facebook

To achieve the desired result from the money you invested with an ad on Facebook, you first need to know to who your ad is directed. When creating a new ad, you can define your target audience by a set of characteristics.

  • The geographical location of the target audience.
  • The age you want to target or specify (depending on the type and nature of the ad, you specify the age you want).
  • sex.
  • The languages ​​you speak.
  • interests and trends.
  • their links to your other business pages on Facebook.

Where do Facebook Audience Network ads appear

There are three possible places you could place Facebook ads. After you specify the characteristics of the ad you want, you have to decide that the ad will appear to users whether they are working on computers or mobile phones.

  • First place for Facebook ads to appear: Right column

The right column is the first place where a Facebook ad can appear. It appears on the right side of the user's Facebook News Feed.

The ad in the right column gets lower engagement than ads that appear in the News Feed. However, when you do an attractive, good value ad with a call to action (CTA), the right column ad will have the added value.

  • Second place: Latest news (desktop)

When you browse Facebook from your computer, Facebook ads will appear right here in the user's News Feed.

Ads for this place get more engagement than others, but you should be aware that they will be more expensive than others.

  • Third place: Latest news (mobile)

This ad appears like a desktop news feed, this type of ad appears in the user's mobile news feed.

Types of Facebook ads 2022

There are eight types of Facebook ads to choose from.

  • Image Facebook Ads - Photo Facebook Ads

A display ad is an image through which you can market and promote a product or service. Or you want to draw attention to something.

In general, for images placed in the News Feed, the minimum size should be 1080 x 1080.

  • Video Facebook Ads

Another form of Facebook advertising is video advertising. A video clip can be shown in the ad or a GIF file can be used. Video advertising is used to promote and market a product or event.

Video advertising often attracts a higher percentage of user interaction. According to the latest statistics, 80% of all data consumed on mobile devices will be in video form by 2022.

Types of video ads on Facebook:

  1. Short videos and GIFs.
  2. Vertical Videos.
  3. Instagram Stories - Instagram Stories.
  4. Video Carousels.
  5. Video Collections.
  6. In-stream Videos.

  • Stories Facebook Ads

Stories Ads are part of Facebook Stories. Facebook recently introduced this type of content, giving you the ability to post temporary clips and photos of their day to share with friends.

  1. It is very suitable for mobile, and also works on the desktop.
  2. When users browse their friends' stories, these ads can appear in the same format within a sequence of stories. It's best to create story ads that reflect the same straightforward, fun look and feel that people see from their friends.
  3. Stories ads can be placed on Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram.

  • Messenger Ads

When you're inside the Facebook Messenger app, this ad appears as a direct message in your message list. This method of advertising is based on interaction with users to know their reactions and provide the best for them.

You must have seen this ad before. For example (if you enter a page that sells clothes, you can find a message about what type of clothes you prefer and give you three options to choose from, and then after choosing another more specific question appears to you, which helps determine the type of product or service you want to provide or offer).

  • Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads is a beautiful Facebook ad that enables you to place a group or series of images or videos that users can rotate and all help to describe a single product, service, or event.

Each carousel ad can contain up to 10 images or videos at a time.

You can link images or clips to the web page you want the user to go to.

These ads carry a lot of media. It is often used in:

  1. Work on a range of products.
  2. Promote multiple features of the same product.
  3. Tell a story or sequence of events that unfold throughout multiple photos or videos.
  4. Explain the process to potential clients.

  • Slideshow Ads

Slideshow Ad is used to display images individually, image by image (one by one). Slideshow ads break your ad into a set of images and then show them to users.

The difference between Slideshow Ads and Carousel Ad is that Slideshow Ad works only with images (does not support video).

Slideshow ads are often used to:

  1. Simulates a video-like experience at a fairly small cost.
  2. Advertisers who want to choose from a pre-built library of photos and music.
  3. It simplifies things for users because of the way images work.
  4. Using this type needs to use less data than others, so people with slow internet can benefit from it.

  • Collection Ads

This type of Facebook advertising allows you to make a purchase (for a product or service) directly. Where potential customers can search between products easily and when they make a purchase decision (this will be direct and instant).

This ad will be a large main center image (or possible video of the product) with four images below the main image that users can click on to see its features.

Some of the areas in which Collection Ad can be used are:

  1. Instant Storefront: This ad is ideal for displaying multiple products as part of the same ad campaign, increasing traffic to each product's product page.
  2. Instant Book: With this ad, you can offer or design a product in different contexts for your audience.
  3. Instant Customer Acquisition: This ad is ideal for directing traffic to the product's landing page and prompting them to take action on it.
  4. Instant Storytelling: This ad can tell a story about your brand or help your audience learn more about the business.

Inspiration Facebook ads

After Facebook became one of the biggest social media in the world, it became necessary to think about Inspiration Facebook ads.

And promote your products or your site, but you have to study your options and define your goals well to get the desired result from your Facebook ads.

Facebook ads best practices 2022

Learn about the best free best Facebook ads strategies that experts rely on to improve the quality of funded ads on the Facebook ads manager.

1. Minimize the text

Since people try to spend as little time as possible watching ads, keep the text in your ad content to a minimum.

Deliver your message as quickly and succinctly as possible, with less than 280 characters ideal. In most cases, users will ignore your post completely as soon as they realize it's an advertisement. So it's best to be clear and to the point right away while you have their attention.

Always focus on one message at a time. Do not try to advertise more than one offer or benefit in the same advertisement. The message itself should be simple, featuring only one offer ("50% off t-shirts this weekend"), a promotional event ("new store opening"), or a special benefit ( "Free delivery on all orders").

Anything that isn't absolutely necessary should be communicated after users click on your call-to-action. Whether you redirect them to your site, a landing page, your mobile app, or your product page, users will have plenty of time to see the details at that time.

Designer Maryia Dziadziulia summed up BeLive's product strategy in two words: “iron gummies”. This is a clear and succinct message to their audience. For people interested in iron supplements in the form of candy, this is all they need to get their attention to your product.

2. Use simple typography to optimize readability

Not only should your text be concise and to the point, but it should also be fun to read. So use simple typography to make your advertising text easier to read. Flamboyant decorative fonts can be eye-catching, sure, but they also distract from your main message and may even take users more time to decipher it.

Bold, sans serif fonts, work best. If you're overlaying your text on visuals, make sure it's always readable - it should appear bold and in color, so it's eye-catching.

Once you've found a font you like, stick with it, as using multiple fonts can be visually awkward. Limit yourself to one policy, or even a maximum of two.

In the design of Launchpeer's Facebook ad, also done by Maryia Dziadziulia, the text is clear and bold. The contrast created with the background color makes it even easier to read, especially because each keyword or phrase has its own frame.

3. Create contrast to attract attention

You can find absolutely everything on social networks, and everything goes very quickly, whether it is relaying recent events, well-being advice, or the exploits of a 4-year-old girl. And that's what your Facebook ads compete with when it comes to user attention.

To get your ads seen (or read), use visual techniques, like contrast, that are effective in attracting attention. One of the most basic contrast techniques that anyone can practice is to use two opposing colors on the color wheel. Opposite colors, such as black and white, blue and yellow, or red and green, naturally bring out content and help maximize the visibility of text, color, and overall design.

The designer Arthean used contrast purple/orange for attention on Facebook advertising. Also note that secondary text is often white, which is another option for creating contrast. It's important to remember that color contrast works when text and images are easy to read.

4. Keep your ad placement in mind

Facebook ads can be placed in several different areas. The three main areas are the news feed, the mobile news feed, and the right column. Each of these areas has its own dimensions and advantages. It's tempting to design a unique ad and then tailor it to each area, but be aware that this will ultimately hurt your ad's performance.

First, educate yourself to find out how your target customers are using Facebook. Do they mostly use their computer or their mobile? Do they use stories or the marketplace? This information will allow you to optimize your advertising efforts and define precise strategies. For example, if almost all of your target customers are viewing Facebook from their mobile, optimize your mobile ads. This kind of streamlining is really what gives Facebook ads a good advantage... Ainsi, vous pouvez optimiser vos dépenses publicitaires.

You can also choose “Automatic placements” and have Facebook determine this for you. Just keep in mind that you will need to create a design for each location.

See our guide to social media image sizes for a full list of recommended sizes for each type of ad.

See how graphic designer GayanMH kept the same elements in the different versions of this ad while rearranging them to optimize the composition according to the dimensions? Each ad maintains the hierarchy of information while emphasizing the product.

5. Micro - target -

One of the main characteristics of Facebook ads is the extreme precision of their customer targeting. Since Facebook is more or less a large database of interests, jobs, places, and life events of its users, it is possible to create ad campaigns capable of attracting the attention of a very, very specific type of audience. This is called microtargeting, or microtargeting.

And we strongly advise you to take full advantage of it. Unlike traditional mass media ads, Facebook ads can be designed to target the smallest of audiences, playing on their unique preferences. Tailor images, text, tone, color scheme, and even the products you're promoting specifically to the audience you want to reach.

This strategy is even more effective when based on real user data. Splits tests, in particular, can help you optimize your Facebook ads. For example, you can create different ads for different market segments, which is more efficient than using a generic ad for two different segments.

Hawnit_Studio's ad for the Warrior Rising charity is aimed at a specific audience. By posting its ad on Facebook, the organization follows a precise and effective strategy that will enable it to reach its target audience.

6. Test different advertisements

If you're new to Facebook advertising (or digital advertising in general), know that it often takes fruitless trials before you achieve your goals. Even if you have reliable user data, there is no guarantee that your ad campaigns will be successful before you launch them for real.

The best way is to refine your strategy as you go, improving and updating your ads based on the performance of previous ones. To reach a larger audience, test multiple ads at once to see what works and what doesn't.

And you can not only test the performance of your design but also the performance of your brand in a new market. If you are planning to grow or want to test your audience's interest in a new line of products, Facebook Ads will come in handy.

For Make-a-Wish New Jersey, Archer devised a few different versions of his design to create GIF ads, each with its own unique visuals and ad copy.

7. Choose the best formats for you

It is important to optimize the design of your Facebook ad for its specific format: video, static image, carousel, etc. Different formats attract different groups of users, and some formats are better suited to certain industries. For example, a reseller will be interested in collection ads to showcase product lines, when this format is unlikely to be suitable for a SaaS business.

Here are the different Facebook ad options:

  • The illustrated advertisements: it is a single image without a motion effect. This is a great way to quickly create a simple and effective advertisement that will draw audiences to your site and increase awareness of your brand and products.
  • The video ads: these short videos with sound made of a mixture of pictures, text, sound, and movement. It's a great way to get the public's attention to your brand.
  • The collections advertisements: it is a series of thumbnail images used to present several products, to highlight the characteristics of a single product, or explain a step by step process
  • The carousel advertising is a series of images presented in a single ad. Each image has its own link. This format is ideal for displaying multiple products, showcasing your product features, creating a lookbook for your product, and telling your brand story.
  • The stories: this is a vertical format in full screen, which can be an image or video. These ads are fast, engaging, and interactive. It's an effective format for connecting with your audience inclusively and authentically.

However, don't be afraid to combine different formats in one campaign. For example, adding video ads to a fully static image campaign increases the conversion rate by 17% compared to static images alone.

This video ad for Cristian Garcia ink takes full advantage of the video format by using clear typography and 'glamorous' product photos to show what you can do with this brand.

8. Trust in proven techniques

Sometimes the best tips for creating a Facebook ad are the same as those for traditional ads. You don't necessarily have to follow them to the letter, but the idea remains the same. You just have to adapt.

So, one of the most notable changes in the format. As mobile phones have become the primary tool for viewing content, traditional advertising has become less important. But, despite this format change, product-centric creation is a proven advertising technique that still works just as well. Having a clear message and a point of focus for your designs will help you drive business results: Facebook says product-focused designs get 71% more views than designs without a clear message.

Find out how Archer uses conventional advertising techniques, like emotional imagery and quotes from figures like John Lewis, to educate his target audience. Ads present each point individually and easily digest to suit the Facebook medium.

For quotes and testimonials, pay attention to the amount of text that appears on the screen. In the example above, notice that the key parts of the quotes are highlighted so that attention is paid to them. The animated effects will help you to make your advertisement attractive and dynamic.

9. Adapt your design according to your objective

This ninth tip is a two-way street. First, it's about designing your Facebook ad to achieve your own goal, whether it's general (increasing brand awareness) or more specific (selling more of a particular product). And this advice is valid no matter what platform you use.

The second meaning is related to Facebook only because the famous platform will ask you to fill in the advertising objective field when creating your advertisement. You will have access to the following options:

  • Get more leads: users give their name, email address, phone number, etc.
  • Attract more visitors to your website: by clicking on your advertisements, users are redirected to your website
  • Promote your business locally: your advertising only reaches users within a given radius of 2 to 50 kilometers
  • Boost an event: spread the word about an event or sell tickets directly

The whole design of your Facebook ad should be built around your end goal, and in particular around your call-to-action. If your goal is to get more leads, for example, ask users directly to fill out a form. If you are promoting a local business, add some keywords that your audience will particularly like, such as mentioning a famous dish or a sports team.

L ' goal of Facebook advertising of ' Arkline for It Takes Two, Inc. is to generate more donations, as you can see with the big red button to ' call-in ' Action that says "Donate Now".

10. Utilisez votre branding

Your Facebook ads are representative of your brand's personality, so they should look like it.

To begin with, the design of your Facebook ads should always include the basic elements of your branding, namely:

  • Your logo
  • Your color palette
  • Your fonts and typographies
  • Your key products or services
  • Your mascots or ambassadors

But the design of Facebook ads, like all your visual content for that matter, must also include all the elements of your visual identity. And you need to figure out what is right from the start of your brand, including which fonts to use and which colors will elicit the emotions you want to arouse from your target audience. If you've never done this markdown, know that it's never too late to do it right. Read our guides on this to help you.

Once you have defined your brand's visual identity, it is important to use it to create all the visual elements related to your brand. If you are creating an advertising video, we recommend that you show your logo or product within the first 3 seconds. This will immediately establish an association between your brand and your audience. But that's not all: it's just as important to maintain and ensure consistency of your brand's visual identity throughout your video.

Take a cue from how designer archival added the Abrazo logo to the start of the video before going into emotional imagery. Not only does this add context to the visuals that arrive next, but it also ensures that audiences associate those visuals with the brand in question.

11. Give priority to mobiles and stories

These days, it's essential to think about where your audience is likely to see your ads. And since users are using their mobile more, your ads should be optimized for this format as a priority. This means creating vertical, full-screen ads that one can interact with and bond with users. And that's exactly what Stories do: a full-screen vertical advertising format that connects with its audience and creates a sense of community. Quite simply because the essence of stories is precisely to express and share given moments at the very moments when they occur.

Stories are a great way to create authentic ads, especially if they're designed with mobile. Facebook explains that " mobile story ads have a 63% chance of outperforming studio ads for purchase, app installation, and consumer products."

On top of that, the nature of Stories is to create engagement with users. Even story features, like having to tap the screen to pause or swipe up, will push your audience to engage with your ad. These interactive elements are great ways to increase awareness of your brand. A survey showed that 58% of consumers were more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories.

This commercial for Life360, directed by Maryia Dziadziulia, reuses excerpts from everyday life. It gives a feeling of community and thus creates a link between the brand and its audience.

It's up to you to create your own Facebook ads!

Now that you've discovered all of our top tips, all that's left to do is create a set of Facebook ads that will help your brand and products get the attention they deserve.

If at any point you feel overwhelmed, don't panic! Some of our designers are true Facebook ad experts, and they'll not only save you time and energy, but they'll also know how to create beautiful, effective, and tailor-made ads for you.


how much does it cost to set up facebook ads?

Research has shown that the standard cost on Facebook Ads is $ 0.25 per view to reach 1,000 users, which makes it the most affordable option. Another case study states that the average CPC is 1.86 euros on Facebook Ads, but it can go up to 5 euros

how do i create an ad on facebook step by step?

  1. Go to this address and click on \"create an advertisement\"
  2. You must then set up your Facebook Business account and then select the objective of your campaign
  3. Name your campaign
  4. Establish the profile of your audience
  5. Create your ad
  6. Set up your account
  7. Submit your offer and check your order

how do I create a Facebook ad campaign for beginners?

Log into the Facebook Ads Manager and select the Campaigns tab. Then click on Create to start a new ad campaign on Facebook. Choose a campaign objective based on your expectations for that specific ad

can you create free ads on Facebook?

It is not possible to run free advertising campaigns on Facebook ads, and all the ways that claim to create advertising campaigns on Facebook ads for free, what is a scam
