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Emailing Trends 2022: the 9 Best to Follow!

What are the email marketing trends to follow in 2022? Here is a selection of 9 areas to optimize for successful campaigns in 2022.

Are you a digital professional and are you interested in email marketing? Here are the 9 emailing trends to follow in 2022 to optimize your chances of a successful year and achieve your results!

While digital marketing evolves dramatically every year, email marketing remains one of the most effective channels for online marketers, and for good reason.

According to recent data, on average, each euro spent in this channel (excluding rental of external databases) leads to an average return on investment (ROI) of 4200%.

Whether you work in a small company, whether you are self-employed without employees or you work for a large company, email remains an essential and essential digital communication channel to stay in touch with prospects and customers.

Emailing Trends 2022
Emailing Trends 2022

In this article, we'll show you some of the most important email marketing trends for 2022 .

We'll also take a look at the long-term trend in the industry to give you a sense of the future of email marketing.

TOP 9 email marketing trends of 2022

Staying abreast of the latest trends in email marketing is essential to constantly renew and improve your emailing strategy year after year.

  • Email marketing automation, a trend that does not disappoint!

Although automated messages (email marketing automation) continue to dominate the emailing landscape, alone accounting for nearly 32% of all orders generated by the email channel (while they represent only 2.4 % of emails sent), it is still just as important to optimize your traditional email marketing campaigns by staying on top of the latest trends.

With that in mind, we recommend that you make automation a central part of your email marketing practices. Email automation workflows like welcome emails, abandoned cart messages, and re-engagement sequences will keep your audience engaged without requiring you to spend time writing messages for each. single prospect.

  • User Generated Content in marketing emails

UGC or User Generated Content is often used by e-merchants on social networks to promote their brands but it is still too infrequently reused in emails.

However, the interest of photos and content generated by its own customers is no longer to be proven.

More authentic, this content acts like real social proof that boost conversions, so it would be a shame to do without it in your email marketing campaigns!

So while most emails should focus on its own content, also considering putting more emphasis on customer-generated content is interesting, and here's why.

  1. First, it gives you the opportunity to break the routine and the usual graphic charter by bringing more diversity to your emails.
  2. User-generated content also shows customers and subscribers that you are interested in their satisfaction and the content they create with your products.
  3. Highlighting photos of happy customers using your products acts as social proof by demonstrating the experience subscribers can expect if they buy from your brand.

  • Hyper-segmentation and personalization of campaigns

Before, it was common to send a single weekly newsletter to its entire database, without personalization.

But that was before.

In 2022, it is necessary to segment and increasingly target and personalize your email marketing campaigns in order for them to obtain the best results.

Segmentation and personalization is about sending the right content to the right users at the right time.

If a customer typically makes purchases around 8 a.m., for example, you'd better send them promotional emails around that time.

Logical, right?

The more you personalize emails to suit each subscriber's needs, the more likely they are to be interested in your content.

  • Hyper qualification and enrichment of databases

Of course, audience segments are dependent on the data you originally collect on your customers and prospects.

Gathering more information about its customers, prospects and users is one of the major challenges for email marketers in 2022 (and the years to come).

In particular with the end of third-party cookies.

The more complete the databases, the more advanced and therefore efficient the marketing automation and personalization scenarios will be.

  • Email marketing integrated into an omnichannel strategy

Email is still one of the most important platforms for digital marketing.

But it is more effective when combined with other digital communication channels such as SMS, social media and web push notifications.

Restricting your digital presence to one or two channels will limit your opportunities to interact with prospects in a number of ways.

Unlike basic multichannel strategies, omnichannel email marketing campaigns are constantly updating and adjusting messages across all platforms based on each user's activity.

  • Augmented reality (AR / VR) at the service of email marketing

Augmented and virtual reality are two of the emerging technologies in recent years that offer a myriad of applications for personal and professional environments.

While there are still some hurdles that make it quite difficult for marketers to tap into this content in emails, this is changing as augmented reality and virtual reality become more accessible on different devices and systems. operation.

Apple, for example, has built augmented reality support into iPhones and iPads, allowing users to view AR content directly from the Mail app and other native apps.

As a marketer, it is now possible to send a basic 2D image in an email that can turn into an AR 3D object when users click or tap on it.

Warby Parker, a company specializing in the sale of glasses, for example tested this by allowing its users to visualize what their face would look like with different types of glasses by integrating augmented reality directly into its emails.

Of course, this trend is for the moment rather embryonic since it only targets mobile users equipped with iPhone or iPad but with good segmentation, it is thus possible to increase the user experience of these subscribers. with this type of innovative features.

  • Integrate interactivity into your email marketing campaigns

People are naturally drawn to things that are different from what they're used to.

Interactivity is a simple way to differentiate your emails from the rest of the messages in the inboxes of your subscribers.

Surveys and forms give users the opportunity to communicate in the opposite direction and to feed back their thoughts and opinions to move your products and services forward.

With the right emailing software , it is possible to set up quizzes and surveys with multiple questions that users can complete directly from their mailbox.

Remember, the easier it is to interact with the content, the more likely subscribers will be to engage.

Games are another interactive element that is relatively easy to incorporate into email marketing. Instead of giving each user the same discount, for example, you can let them spin the wheel of fortune to get a random gift. Even if they end up getting the same offer, the prospect of the unknown might be enough to generate more interaction and animation from the email database.

  • Responsive and optimization of campaigns for mobile consumption

Three-quarters of all smartphone owners use their devices to check their inboxes, and more than half of all open emails now come from mobile devices.

While the vast majority of consumers open emails on their smartphones, less than 12% of newsletters are fully optimized for these devices and responsive.

If your emails aren't optimized for mobile devices, you cut yourself off from a significant portion of your audience.

In 2022, the design of responsive emails should be a priority for all companies, all sectors of activity combined.

  • The importance of data confidentiality and the GDPR

Data privacy has been a key factor for businesses since the early days of the internet, but modern consumers are more concerned than ever about their privacy, especially since the entry into force of the GDPR in USA.

With the end of third-party cookies, the iOS 15 update and the updates that will follow, email marketers will have less and less data at their disposal to assess the performance of their campaigns, collect data and properly segment their campaigns. will therefore be all the more important in the future as the returns will be less and less measurable.

email marketing trends of 2022
email marketing trends of 2022

Long-term trend: adapt to new email marketing trends

Email marketing changes dramatically every year due to the influence of emerging technologies, changing regulations and various other factors.

Staying ahead of the competition means staying on top of the latest email marketing trends and adjusting your plans accordingly.

The 8 major trends in email design for 2022

  1. Simple and succinct
  2. Cute full
  3. Dividing lines
  4. Engaging and interactive
  5. Vintage
  6. Typography, typography, typography
  7. Curved and wavy lines
  8. Customer testimonials

  • Simple and succinct

This tendency allows you to get straight to the point by saying things in a simple and succinct way. Because people are bombarded with emails every day, this trend lightens their burden by being both efficient and pleasant. No excessive images or text, no superfluous subjects, just a quick email delivering its message and nothing more.

  • Cute full

As Gen Z grows up and becomes a larger consumer force, trends are shifting to accommodate their preferences. A recent trend in email design is “the adorkable” (a contraction of “adorable” and “dorky”), which is a mix of goofy, cheesy and adorable.

The adorkable style is easy to identify thanks to its vibrant colors, magnetizing visuals and polished compositions, which turn emails into a visual feast. It often combines more whimsical elements with a "real" look, such as using actual products and / or product packaging, or even using CGI to create realistic renderings. As we mentioned in our guide to Gen Z marketing , this group appreciates authenticity and spots hypocrisy from miles away.

Along with dazzling color schemes, there's also room for more progressive layouts and compositions (like the ReadyMag newsletter example), as well as word bubbles (like the Fussy example). Overall, this style is all about drawing attention to yourself while respecting empty space.

  • Dividing lines

Although fluid emails have many advantages, in 2022 compartmentalized emails are gaining in popularity. Sometimes it's fixed boxes like Reinhardt Keith's newsletter design for The Hustle, while other times it's looser, misaligned boxes as seen in Zajno's design. . Either way, the common theme is that each element has its own place.

This trend often uses thin black lines to create a grid or individual boxes, making it easier to scan the email without looking overloaded. Since the grids have a bit of a retro feel (think the first websites from 20 years ago), this trend pairs well with the retro trends on this list, like vintage dreamland and anything with flashy colors. If straight lines are too stiff, try rounded corners, like the Glitch and Goody examples, or bright, warm colors.

  • Engaging and interactive

Each year, email design trends are moving a little more towards animation and interactivity. The appeal has always been there, but with the evolution of technology, designers can bring their ideas to life.

The email design trends of 2022 are no exception, welcoming more animated GIFs, interactive menus, scrolling animations, and really any effect that increases your audience's engagement. However, unlike in previous years, it's not just about showing off the new technology, but integrating it into the whole email message.

The idea is to get the audience to be interested in the subject of the email in question, and not the email itself. See for example how the GIFs from the Webflow email show the product's functionality, or how the one from ILIA shows how to use the blender with one finger. Even the Penguin Random House email brings the usually stagnant product recommendations to life by literally placing the reader in the driver's seat.

  • Vintage

What is known as the '  vintage dreamland  ' style is a composite of different styles throughout history: the most recent is the 80s mod movement and the 70s glam, but it dates back to the Arts and Crafts movement in Japan. early twentieth century. The look itself is, as the name suggests, a dreamlike aesthetic with crowded frames, strong shadows, and larger-than-life subjects.

The vintage dreamland trend works particularly well in e-commerce for product display. This style gives her subject an idealized and romantic look. Applied to e-commerce, it makes the products more attractive.

While this trend pairs well with a wide variety of styles, using a sleek serif font really brings out its classy side and timelessness.

  • Typography, typography, typography

When you push the creative limits of typography, you quickly realize that a word can be worth a thousand images. This email design trend of 2022 puts text center stage, while dressing it with artistic flourishes and additional imagery.

The key to this trend is to have something to say - it emphasizes the meaning of words, whatever it is. So if you have a strong and succinct message, apply this style to your typography to give it extra impact.

Even if you want to step away from the art and focus on the text, you can still style the text itself in an interesting way. Look at the example of Atera: the headline "Brand & Marketing Creative Team Newsletter" blends in with the rest of the text and takes advantage of the wavy lines of our next trend.

  • Curved and wavy lines

Not all email design trends hold deep meaning; sometimes it's just a look that's popular at some point. For email design trends of 2022, this is the wavy line. If you haven't seen her yet, she's pretty easy to spot if you notice something that looks like spilled paint.

The trend for curved and wavy lines is a real beauty that can be used practically anywhere. You can combine it with trend number three to separate compartments like in the Everytable example above, or as a background effect like in the Dipsea example below, or even integrate it into your text like in Epic for Kids (below).

As we mentioned in our guide to the meaning of shapes in design , rounded imagery represents playfulness and whimsy, which makes this trend perfect for lofty, non-fancy brands. The curves also captivate the eye, connecting the whole composition and generating more fluidity and movement.

  • Customer testimonials

Finally, our latest email design trend of 2022 is less about looks and more about content. Feedback from other people has always been a reliable method of building trust and loyalty, especially among new customers. Using authentic messages, reviews and user testimonials has long been a staple of advertising design and corporate websites, and the same practice is now infiltrating email marketing.

This trend is to incorporate customer testimonials and case studies into the content of marketing emails such as newsletters. The trick is to do it the natural way and try new forms of presenting the testimonials.

You will notice in the examples that each email presents its customers' testimonials in a unique and creative way. That's a big part of the trend: you don't want to force testimonials on your readers, but rather present them in an engaging way that organically grabs your audience. Funny visuals are very helpful in this regard, as is framing the story in such a way that customers' words seem important.

Let's go for the email design trends of 2022

The email design trends of 2022 are a breath of fresh air, with vibrant colors, energetic animations, fun typography, and a presentation tailored specifically for your audience. Even serious brands can have a blast with trends such as vintage dreamland and lined compartments that retain a certain formality. Overall, New Year's email marketing takes a livelier, more upbeat approach that makes opening emails a joy.
