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How to increase sales figures in the year 2021

 How to increase sales figures in the year

    Attractive and strategic tips that will help you increase your sales for the coming year

How to increase sales figures in the year 2021
How to increase sales figures in the year 2021

SGTInfo working en ligne - How to increase sales figures in the year 2021 11:00  11/06/2021     

    How to increase your sales in 2021? Welcome again, dear reader, to a special and strategic article today. I know that we haven't written for a while, but we will definitely bring you more things, usefulness and tools that will really help you take off your strategic business.

That is why in this article we will talk to you about useful tips that you can rely on to learn how to increase sales in 2021.

These are simple, realistic tips, but they make all the difference. 


    Certainly, you have come across some situations that made you jot down some important points and notes, or at least have a simple record of the sales numbers you got in the last year because this will help you to visualize some goals and KPIs that help you increase sales as well.

If you want to learn more about how to study and pay attention to the main criteria and objectives of your business. I invite you to read these two articles:

& What is video marketing?
Twitter Marketing strategy

Now let's go to the golden tips to put it into your imagination and actually achieve an increase in sales, that's what we hope.

How to increase your sales in 2021?

1- Watch out for new trends in the market

In fact, this is intuitive advice, but it is the most influential on your strategies and their consistency with reality. Because the market is definitely going through many and drastic changes, and for this reason, you must stay informed.

When you know exactly what is going on in the market, you will be able to extract that and add it to your marketing strategies. and this helps you to take advantage of what is happening now and affect potential customers.

But when you do not give enough importance and care to this aspect, it is reasonable to draw plans that are far from reality or do not affect the market.

2- Conduct some interviews or submit opinion polls on social media

Yes, communicating directly with a segment of potential customers. And if you want, you can conduct interviews classified according to the market segments that you monitor.

To learn how to increase your sales in 2021, you must know what your target audience is thinking. or in other words, you must learn or explore how they look at your business model and how you can attract their attention and enthusiasm.

The options in front of you are many and varied. For example, you can consider launching a survey on social media. which will help you gather some opinions and ideas about your audience. It also provides you with insights that make the way easier for you and make you ahead of competitors.

You can also follow what is being talked about through Facebook groups or websites that allow people to talk about their problems and experiences with companies, this makes you think about the framework of the problems that are currently in the market, and that need to be solved.

 I invite you to read these two articles:

3- Watch what your competitors are doing

There are indeed distinct methods of taking care of competition and competition is a very important point that you should never lose sight of if your goal is to increase sales.

 controlling it. All you have to do is follow the market around you, and learn about the strategies and methods that competitors deal with in the market, what types of promotional means and marketing messages they publish? What motivators and temptations do they offer?.

As we always say, it is never to imitate what they do, but rather to take an idea and rely on your creativity.

This monitoring and study of competing companies give you the ability to create a competitive advantage in your market and create methods and methods that make you unique, all of which allows you to increase your sales.

4- See what's new and train the sales team

Whatever the goal of training, it is imperative to provide modern and continuous training to the work teams in your company, especially the team responsible for sales.

Why? Simply because it is in direct contact with the customer, responsible for generating revenue for you. That is why we think you should treat training expenses as investments because you will later reap the results.

There are a lot of exercises that are useful, here is this article to get to know some of them.

When your team acquires new skills, new strategies strengthens their sense of simulation and provide arguments that help overcome customer objections to purchase. all of this allows you to gain more sales.

One of the most important exercises that you should think about for the year 2021. is to learn the arts of persuasion as well as emotional intelligence because these two factors play a big role in how successful the seller is in convincing the customer to buy and overcoming most of the situations in which he may be placed.

5- Prepare special offers

Of course, there's no point in having special occasions like New Year's Eve without special sales and discounts, right?
Make the best use of the art of seasonal marketing, think of methods such as upselling. offering discounts on the second item, or even earning certain vouchers or vouchers when buying a special product...etc.

Conducting sweepstakes and sweepstakes and contests on Instagram, for example, is a wonderful and must-have element and attracts the attention of target customers.

6- Update the copy or the ad format

If you want to learn how to increase your sales in 2021, you must consider measures such as the way you speak to audiences in advertising.

    The art of copy or copywriting is one method that plays a big role in persuading the customer to buy, especially if you mix fresh words and make good use of the occasion.

    For this, try to focus well on the methods in which you write, rely on the customer's pain or need, and actually help him. try to show him that the real help lies in the products and services you provide, highlighting them through a distinctive description.

    Also rely on the art of psychological stimuli, or what we call Psychological Triggers, such as announcing that the offer is available only for the first 100 customers, for example, or for a period of 3 days.

7- Bet on the power of storytelling and social marketing techniques

To learn how to increase your sales in 2021, you must rely on modern techniques such as storytelling or social marketing.

Besides the beauty of these methods and their high ability to gain attention, they also help you win a very good place in customers' hearts.

When you advertise products through a reasonable and realistic story to tell, a story that anyone could go through. you gain the sympathy of the audience, and that all encourage them to buy.
If you want to learn about the art of marketing story click here. And Social Marketing from here.

 I invite you to read these two articles:

8- Also bet on the strength of social evidence

Social proof is an honest expression of the quality of your products and services, which has huge resonance with the masses and can actually be responsible for getting more people to buy.

To do this, he or she must be really honest and spontaneous, detailing and intelligently speaking about the transformations your product has been responsible for bringing about in the customer's life.

Find your customers who have already benefited from your products and ask them to copy their testimonials with the product and ask them for permission to publish it on your website and sales pages.

9- Consider partnerships with affiliate marketers or influencers

 It would never have been possible to talk about ways to increase your sales for 2021 without commenting on these two trendy methods:

Affiliate Marketing 
As well as relying on digital influencer marketing or influencer marketing
These basic strategies are really important because they help you reach, in an attractive and modern way, a large number of people, and it can be in a short period of time.

So, rely on these methods and make partnerships with the right investor, who has audiences that may actually be interested in your services and products.


As you saw in this article, it is really important to learn how to increase your sales in 2021, especially in light of the difficult circumstances we live in, in which there are more competitors and many possibilities in front of the customer.

Think about these means, study the reality of your company and your business, and take from these tips what you think is really important to you.

What do you think? Share with us your opinion or expectations through the comments space at the bottom of the article so that we can talk together.

See you again in other articles and publications
