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Best SEO tools (free and paid) top 10 tools for seo - sgtinfo

In this article, you will find our list of the 10 best SEO tools, both free and paid, on which you will have to rely upon order to succeed in the natural referencing strategy of your website.

After reading our comparison, all you have to do is select the tools and applications that best meet your current needs and deficiencies.

The best free and paid SEO tools

Best SEO tools
Best SEO tools

Before presenting to you one by one the tools/platforms/applications that we took the time to test and select, we offer you a quick summary of our top 10.

Ranking as the best SEO tool (2022):

  1. SEMrush
  2. Ahrefs
  3. Majestic
  4. Moz Pro
  5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  6. Google Search Console
  7. MyPoseo
  8. Answer The Public
  9. Yoast SEO
  10. SEOquake

1) SEMrush

Over the past few years, we've had the opportunity to try a lot of SEO tools, and SEMrush clearly stood out from the competition in our eyes.

SEO experts are unanimous about it: it's the best SEO tool there is in 2022.

With SEMrush you will be able to easily search for keyword ideas, follow the evolution of your positions on search engines, analyze the competition, or even optimize your Google advertising campaigns.

As you can see in the screenshot above, you will be able to find at a glance the summary of a site's keywords, its traffic month by month, the cost of traffic, etc

Best SEO tools

Another very interesting function offered by the SEO tool of SEMrush is called “Keyword Magic Tool”. With it, you will be able to find the search volume and the difficulty of a keyword.

This will allow you to see what awaits you to place your site on certain keywords.

Apart from all this, you will be able to use SEMrush to find backlink opportunities, generate tracking reports, do a site SEO audit, track your Google Ads campaigns, and more.

SEMrush exists in the form of three paid plans:

  • Pro: $83.28 per month
  • Guru: $166.62 per month
  • Business: $333.28 per month

What will evolve from one plan to another is the number of reports that it is possible to generate, the number of projects that it is possible to create, or the number of keywords that you will be able to follow.

You should also know that this excellent SEO tool is available free of charge for 7 days thanks to a trial period. Try it to form your own opinion about it.

2) Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an SEO tool of the same calibre as SEMrush. Both are indeed direct competitors for the title of best SEO tool for 2022.

It is not easy to decide between them as they are close.

Everything will depend on your feelings from an interface and ease of use point of view.

Proof of this is in the screenshot below, you will be able to count on Ahrefs to optimize and audit your site, analyze the competition, analyze what your visitors are looking for, and track the evolution of your site from an SEO point of view...

We find the interface of Ahrefs clear and above all very complete.

You should know that Ahrefs has set up a bot that allows it to crawl more than 5 million pages per minute. Suffice to say that you will have access to specific data and above all close to reality.

Ahrefs also has the big advantage of offering an impressive number of resources and tutorials to help you better understand how to use its SEO tool to exploit it to the fullest of its capabilities.


The subscription prices offered by Ahrefs are as follows:

  • Lite: $82 / month
  • Standard: $149 / month
  • Advanced: $332 / month
  • Agency: $832 / month

As with SEMrush, it is the number of users, the number of keywords followed the frequency of updates or even the exploration of domains that evolve from one plan to another. It's up to you to decide what best suits your situation.

Do you work alone? As a team? Do you have to manage a single site with this SEO tool, several?

We still want to let you know that Ahrefs offers a paid 7-day trial. For $7 you will actually have the opportunity to try out its SEO tool from top to bottom.

3) Majestic

The SEO tool offered by Majestic stands out from names like SEMrush and Ahrefs.

Indeed, the objective of this platform is not the same.

Majestic comes more in addition to the tools mentioned above. With it, you will be able to better analyze the power of a site, its theme, the origin of its backlinks, or even have access to the referring domains of a particular site.

Whether it is to compare yourself to the competition or to find new opportunities for external links, Majestic will give you complete satisfaction.

For the referring domains but also the backlinks of a site (whether yours or that of a competitor), you will have access to the Trust Flow, the Citation Flow, or even the anchor used.

It is a veritable mine of information that is offered by Majestic. In our opinion, it is an SEO tool that is difficult to do without finding new backlink opportunities.

Starting with an annual subscription, here is how much Majestic will cost you:

  • Lite: €39.16 / month
  • Pro: €79.16 / month
  • API: €316.66 / month

With each of these plans, you will be entitled to a 7-day money-back guarantee. It's without any conditions.

So you can use and test Majestic's SEO tool to see if you think it's worth it!

4) Moz Pro

Moz Pro is an “all in one” SEO tool. With it, you can improve your visibility on search engines, find opportunities for new keywords, see the power of a domain name, or the backlinks of a site.

As with SEMrush and Ahrefs, Moz Pro will give you the possibility to follow the evolution of the keywords you are targeting with your site.

A 30-day free trial is offered by Moz so that you have the opportunity to test its SEO tool thoroughly.


After that, however, you will have to opt for one of its paid plans:

  • Standard: $79 / month
  • Medium: $119 / month
  • Large: $199 /month
  • Premium: $479 / month

To find the differences between each plan, take a look at the official Moz website. You will find a detailed comparison.

If you want our opinion on Moz, know that we find the SEO tool good, but a little behind in recent years compared to SEMrush or Ahrefs. It's clearly not the best anymore but still remains interesting.

5) Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Free & Paid)

Screaming Frog's SEO tool is a must-have if you're looking to eliminate technical issues from your website.

With this application (available for free or paid to access more features), you will be able to generate a complete report listing the possible problems present on your site.

This ranges from Javascript problems to the redirection of certain pages, or even problems exploring your site.

Screaming Frog is also one of the best SEO tools to easily identify pages and posts with duplicate content.

Google hates this, so you have to be on your guard at this level!

6) Google Search Console (free)

Is it necessary to present Google Search Console? Not sure, but we'll do it anyway.

It is a free SEO tool offered by Google that will give you the possibility of having a complete view of the indexing of your site and its performance via the Google search engine.

The Google Search Console does not stop there. You can also use it to see the evolution of your site's exposure on Google, the place occupied on average by your pages on given requests...

Now the most interesting with the Google Search Console is the fact of being able to follow the indexing of the pages of your site. Is everything going well? Are pages not indexed correctly? Are there any errors?

All this you can see on the Google Search Console in the “Coverage” section.

Google Search Console
Google Search Console

7) Myposeo

My pose is a French SEO tool. It is a platform that will allow you to centralize important SEO data.

You might as well be able to:

  • Perform a site audit
  • Track SEO performance
  • Find new keyword opportunities (see screenshot below)
  • Do in-depth market analysis

The user interface is ergonomic and will allow you to find your way around easily. Now know that with the large number of possibilities offered, you may feel a little lost at first.

It's normal. Take the time to explore all the features to better understand the possibilities offered.

Speaking of which, Myposeo offers a 15-day free trial. It is possible to benefit from it without even informing the slightest credit card.

Regarding the different plans offered by Myposeo, there are four:

  1. Starter: 18€/month
  2. Professional: 99€/month
  3. Insights: €499/month
  4. Agencies: tailor-made

The big advantage of Myposeo for us is that its SEO tool (via the Starter offer) is available at a more than reasonable price.

If you don't have too much budget to devote to this item of expenditure and you only have one website to optimize, it is, therefore, worth considering Myposeo. In the market for paid SEO tools, you won't find it cheaper than its 18€/month plan.

8) Answer The Audience (free)

Are you looking for keyword ideas? Want to know what questions people have about a topic?

In this case, the free SEO tool “Answer The Public” is very likely to interest you. It is definitely the best free SEO tool in its class.

Thanks to it, you will have an overview of the questions asked on the Internet whether on social networks, forums, or blogs.

Answer The Public is a website. By going there, you will see that it is possible to do research for a large number of languages, including French of course!

Simply enter a word, a brand, or a product, select the country and the desired language and click on the search button.

9) Yoast SEO (Free and Paid)

Yoast is among the top 2 best SEO tools to use on WordPress (along with Rank Math).

If you have created a WordPress site, you will absolutely have to install this plugin on it.

Its big advantage is that it exists as a free version. Now there is also a premium version that will allow you to unlock even more features.

In the meantime, with the free version of the Yoast SEO tool, you will be able to automatically generate sitemaps for your site, optimize the content of your articles and the density of keywords, or even modify the SEO title of your articles as well as the meta. -description.

With the paid version of Yoast, you will have access to features such as:

  1. Suggested internal links
  2. Further analysis and summary of the most used keywords in an article
  3. Simplified redirection of your URLs
  4. Access to 24/7 customer support

If you want to find more details, do not hesitate to take a look at the official Yoast website. Or read our article presenting the best WordPress plugins.

10) SEOquake (free extension)

SEOquake unlike all SEO tools we have mentioned so far is available as a browser extension.

This addon is available on Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, as well as Opera. And most importantly, it's free.

With SEOquake installed on your browser, you will be able to carry out an “on-page” audit in the blink of an eye and above all, you will be able to obtain key information concerning all the sites and pages which appear on the search engines for a given keyword.

This is especially true if you pair it with SEMrush's SEO tool. Indeed the two communicate with each other to offer you access to certain data directly from your search engine. SEOquake also relies on Google Rank, Alexa, as well as Yahoo index to offer you a more than complete analysis.

It is worth noting that it is possible to export at any time in CSV format, all the data offered by SEOquake. So you can see more clearly, sort them, etc.

Why use SEO tools?

All the SEO tools listed will allow you to quickly and easily analyze an incalculable number of data and keywords. They will also allow you to more quickly detect a possible problem-or error that could negatively influence the referencing of your website.

Also, with tools like SEMrush, you will be able to compare your site to that of your competitors. This will allow you to better understand what characterizes their success, which keywords it may be worth targeting, and therefore which opportunities you should seize at all costs.

Finally, with quality SEO tools, it will be very easy for you to rigorously monitor several sites at the same time. You will be able to create projects, and custom reports, all in a single interface.

No need to bother with extending Excel tables. If you recognize yourself in this scenario then do not hesitate and go for it! With the best SEO tools that we have been able to list, you will save precious time.

What are other ways to improve SEO?

The success of the natural referencing of a site goes through the implementation of a lot of things. In addition to the use of SEO tools, other aspects will have to be considered.

One thinks for example of having a fast website thanks to the choice of a good web host. Speed ​​is an aspect that will become increasingly important, as Google recently pointed out.

If you want to avoid being penalized from an SEO point of view, it is better that your site loads quickly. This will also increase the retention rate of your visitors, and encourage them to stay longer on your platform.

Do not neglect the web host on which you are going to put a site online. To find the cream of the crop, we advise you to consult our comparison of the best web hosting.

Also, remember to compress and optimize the images on your site as this will affect the loading time of your pages.

Choosing an SEO optimized theme is also important. As well as its weight and loading time… again.

As you will have understood, even using the best SEO tools available on the market, all is not won. It will indeed pay attention to many other things than simply the choice of keywords, the crawl, the optimization of the content of your pages...


All the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools that we were able to present to you in our ranking are gold!

There are some great free tools out there, but we don't think you can rely on them alone. Effectively, tools like SEMrush are the real hub of a successful natural referencing strategy.

Do not hesitate to use their free trial periods to better understand what they will be able to bring you.

That being said, you will now have to get to work because SEO tools will not do everything for you. And that even if they are the best. They will show you the path to success, but it's up to you to follow it now.

It's up to you to write quality content on your site, and your blog, optimize everything, obtain backlinks, etc.

FAQs Best SEO tools

What are SEO tools?

These are tools/applications/services that will allow you to obtain data, receive alerts in the event of a problem, or even measure the positioning of your website from a natural referencing point of view. The goal is simple: to help you improve your SEO (referencing on search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.).

What is the best-paid SEO tool?

There is no best-paid SEO tool to speak of. Indeed, there are a lot of good tools that will meet different needs and cover complementary topics to succeed in your natural referencing. That being said, if we had to recommend just one paid SEO tool, it would definitely be SEMrush.

What is the best free SEO tool?

There are quite a few good free SEO tools out there. That said, if only one had to be retained, it would undoubtedly be Google Analytics. It is practically essential in 2022 to quantify your audience and better understand the path of visitors to your website. The Google Search Console is also a free SEO tool that will have to be configured at all costs. This will allow you to have access to advanced statistics, and above all to detect possible problems that could penalize your site in the eyes of Google.

What is SEO referencing?

SEO referencing (also called Search Engine Optimization or natural referencing) brings together all the practices that allow the pages of your site to be positioned on the first pages of search engines (Google, Bing, etc.). It is a way to "seek" a lot of traffic for your website and this is the reason why it should absolutely not be neglected.
