What is SEO? – You have probably heard a lot about this word lately, but you still do not understand its meaning. Or worse yet, how it works and to what extent it can help your digital business maximize its profits.
In the online world you depend on search engines, especially Google, who accounts for more than 90% of the share of users worldwide. Therefore, knowing how it produces its ranking and optimizing your website for it is a key aspect.
what is SEO |
In this article you will learn what SEO is, how web positioning works and a lot of other related information so that you can continue delving into the exciting world of web search engine optimization. Let's start! 👇
What is SEO or SEO Web Positioning?
The acronym SEO comes from the Anglo-Saxon term Search Engine Optimization, whose direct translation would be Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it refers to any technique or aspect that may have an impact on the position of a web page in the search engine.
✔️ As you already know, a better positioning always translates into more traffic for your website and a greater potential volume of business.
On the other hand, the set of SEO strategies is very broad and, for this reason, it is usually classified in different areas that we will talk about later.
📝 It's also important that you don't get confused by the diversity of terms. Well, SEO can also be called Web Positioning, SEO Positioning, Organic Positioning, as well as Search Engine Positioning. They are all the same.
Main Objectives of SEO Positioning
After this first contact, we would like you to be clear about the objectives and foundations on which we SEO experts work on a daily basis.
SEO is mainly based on these two variables:
- Increased visibility of an Online Site:
Web positioning carries out a multitude of actions so that the number of visits a web page receives increases steadily over time.
- Positioning in Search Engines:
For all of them, be it Google, Yahoo or Bing. Our focus is to improve the position, the ranking, in the results pages of these search engines. Also known as the SERPs.
Once you have these basic concepts clear, let's go to what you were really looking for. Let's dive into what real SEO is!
The importance of organic positioning in the online strategy of your digital business
We imagine that if you have reached this article, it is because you already have, or have in mind to create, a business. Physical or online.
And we would like to encourage you to start the transition to the world of the internet and electronic sales. All market studies speak of a paradigm shift in world trade. In which, every time, the internet is gaining ground and market share to face-to-face businesses.
- ❌ Especially after the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus.
Suppose you already have a web page where you offer your services or products. Just as the commercial location of your company plays a key role, without correct web positioning, no one will find your page online.
💡 And this is a totally revealing fact for business owners who contract the creation of their website for the first time.
“My website is very beautiful and functional, but why doesn't anyone enter it? How can I get people to know me and buy my products?“
And at this point all the Online Marketing services that currently exist come into play:
- SEO and Web Positioning – Price SEO services and rates.
- Online Advertising – Price of advertising on Social Networks.
- Social Network Management – Comunnity Manager Price.
- Networking in the network and capturing leads – Guest Posting and Lead Magnets.
Real example – SEO impact on a physical business.
Imagine now that your company is a store selling work clothes and work clothes. Well, it turns out that, in Spain alone, there are 12,100 people a month who search Google for “work clothes”. And another 6,600 who are interested in “work clothes”.
That is, almost 20,000 potential customers for your store every month! 😱
These are the search results in Google after entering our keyword «work clothes» [what is a keyword].
📝 In the first place is Vestuariolaboral.com, which takes the first and second position. In third place is Prolaboral.es. Of those 20,00 potential clients [only for those terms, since they are already positioning themselves for many others related to the sector], these 3 are the ones that are monopolizing the majority of the clients.
Because? Indeed, they are carrying out a very effective SEO positioning strategy, which is translating into a very considerable increase in sales for their business.
- ✅ By appearing in the first positions, they are the first ones that people will click on. In addition, it conveys a greater sense of quality and professionalism, since people assume that Google always shows the most relevant in the first position.
“That is the magic of SEO on the Internet and it is applicable to any sector of activity in which your business is dedicated.“
The SEO categories of web positioning in search engines
If you want to continue delving into this discipline, you must know the different areas in which it is possible to classify each of the SEO actions to be carried out on a web page.
For a better organization, they are usually divided according to two variables.
The SEO categories of web positioning |
SEO Technical Specialty
The various technical parts of search engine optimization can be divided into two main branches. Depending on the aspect on which they work.
Within each of the sections, all the tasks that we carry out in our SEO Agency for clients of all kinds are brought together.
We will leave you links to articles with more specific information about each of them. In this way, you can delve into the specific aspect that interests you the most.
▶ SEO On Page
The SEO On Page refers to all the actions that it is possible to carry out within our web page, in our field, with the intention of improving its web positioning.
All these actions depend exclusively on you, so it is the first factor that you must optimize to be successful in the online world.
The most important tasks in this section are the following:
- The content of the web – Article on how to increase the visits of my blog by writing content 100% optimized for Google.
- The internal structure of the page – Article about what is internal linking or SEO interlinking
- Web architecture – Article about what are the depth levels of a web page.
- Images – Article on image processing for your website.
From our own experience, these are the technical factors that make the biggest difference when it comes to ranking a web page in the first position. If you want to be successful with your SEO strategy, you must be sure that you master On Page SEO.
In fact, these are the tasks in which we ourselves are specialized. And it is that our own agency, Dosmedia, is positioned first for the best keywords in our sector "Bilbao web design", "Bilbao web positioning", "Bilbao SEO agency" 🏆.
▶ Off Page SEO
On the other hand, when we talk about off-page SEO factors, we refer to all those facts that do not depend exclusively on our field of competence. That is, they are external SEO factors.
For example, the link profile of a web page. Links pointing from other websites to ours.
In general, it is possible to categorize it in the specialty known as Linkbuilding. Since it refers to the general image of your website with respect to the rest of the websites in your same sector.
📝 For example, imagine you have a website selling kitchen products. For Google, your page will have more notoriety and relevance if other reference web pages in your sector link to you. That is, if you have backlinks from those online sites.
💡In this case, getting a link from a website like the famous “Tapas” magazine will improve your image in the search engine. And, therefore, your general position in it. Makes sense, doesn't it?
But you should not forget that, within SEO Off Page, it is possible to carry out many other strategies. Branding and Branding Content are some of the most used today. In other words, work on your brand image so that your users talk about you and get to know you naturally ✔️
Type of Actions
It is possible that the following section is certainly curious and unknown to you. But we consider it necessary that you know the different typologies in which the SEO actions to be implemented in any type of web page can be included.
Their names come from the English language and refer to the "legality" before Google of each of them:
- White Hat SEO.
- Black Hat SEO.
- Gray Hat SEO.
Indeed, depending on the hat that the SEO expert you decide to hire is wearing, you can intuit the type of actions or the risk of them suffering one of the dreaded Google penalties.
▶ White Hat SEO
In this category we include all those professionals who work for clients. Or, at least, that's how it should be.
It is about implementing only actions that comply with the quality guidelines indicated by Google itself. In this way, it is possible to be 100% sure that our online sites will not suffer any type of sanction that reduces the visibility of the page.
- ✔️ That is, we do not use illegal techniques, despite knowing them, nor do we try to manipulate the results before Google or our clients.
- ❌ The only drawback of this type of SEO is that the results usually take longer to arrive. And it is possible to lose confidence in the positioning strategy hired.
“But, do you really consider that it is worth putting your current SEO positioning at risk due to the use of techniques prohibited by the search engine?“
▶ Black Hat SEO
Those SEOs with black hats are usually individuals whose main activity is the creation of many websites for monetization. And their mentality is totally different from a company that wants to improve its positioning and increase its turnover thanks to the online channel on a constant basis.
The Black Hat SEO is about trying all kinds of "traperías", exploiting the trap to the fullest until it lasts. And when Google detects it, then time to look for the next one.
👉 We like to call them the "Lazarillos de Tormes" of SEO.
Among its many techniques is the creation of automatic web pages by copying content from other websites in bulk.
▶ Gray Hat SEO
And as for everything in this life, there is also a middle ground.
Gray Hat SEOs are the most abundant in this sector, those that usually comply with the general guidelines, but risk a little more in other techniques.
📝 They are aware of the limit and always tend to play a little below it, in order to increase the speed and effectiveness of their search engine positioning strategy.
Other basic notions about positioning in Google that you should know
Once you have understood the characteristics of SEO strategies and the advantages that this can offer you in order to maximize the sales of your digital business, we also consider it important that you begin to familiarize yourself with the following terms.
In addition, in our SEO blog you can access more than 100 articles on various SEO concepts explained extensively. We invite you to take a look if you want to improve your training in this sector of Online Marketing!
For now, you can start with these 😉
The Crawlers of Google or its famous "spiders".
Have you ever wondered what is behind Google? That is, what happens so that, after inserting a word or group of them and pressing the search button, the search engine decides to throw you certain websites or others.
How do all those websites arrive and sort in your database? With what criteria are they subsequently distributed?
Well, broadly speaking, it is possible to conclude that this generating process consists of two well-defined steps:
- The tracking or “Crawl” of a website – This is the phase in which Google robots read all the content present on an online site. Your texts, images, descriptions, labels, buttons and a long etcetera.
- indexing
- The Google algorithm – It is the one in charge of the Positioning of the websites in the Search results
Imagine reading the millions of web pages that exist in the Google search engine. Practically every day. Well, this task is carried out by “virtual agents”. Also known as:
- 🤖 Robots or tracking bots.
- 🔎 Crawlers.
- 🕷️ Spiders.
In this way, Google enters each and every one of the pages of each online page and archives the results obtained for later indexing and distribution in the results pages.
Indexing or how Google puts your content in its databases
The term indexing refers to the act of classifying something in an index. In this case, a web page in the general index of websites crawled by Google spiders.
💡 It is the second link in the process and through which Google can incorporate web content into its databases. That is, if an online site is not indexed, it will not appear in search results.
Similarly, it is also possible that Google reads content but does not index it [randomly or at the express request of that web page].
This is very important, because if your website has an indexing problem [caused by bad practice during the creation of the page], Google will not be able to store it. And it won't show up for your users! 😱
You remember the example we gave you before “work clothes”. Now imagine that you created a specific landing page to attack that keyword, but that, due to an indexing problem, Google cannot store it.
Not only will you be losing the opportunity to attract those 20,000 potential clients each month, but you will have wasted money creating said web page, since it is not visible to any user.
“Have you checked the indexing status of your website?“
It's about making things as easy as possible for Google's robots, since they have a lot of sites to crawl and they won't waste an extra second because of some kind of mistake on our part. Better indexing = Better SEO web positioning ✔️.
Google Algorithm
The Google algorithm is something like the Holy Grail. Everyone dreams of meeting him one day, but the reality is that no one is absolutely certain of all the parameters he measures and the degree of importance he attaches to each of them.
This is the third and last step by which your website appears in the Google search engine. When the search engine decides to assign the real position of the pages for each of the keywords. For example "Work clothes".
To do this, Google evaluates more than 200 criteria within the algorithm, many of them unknown for which many SEOs would pay huge amounts of money.
What it is possible to know are the aspects that are most important. According to Google of course.
- User experience:
It refers to the general impression of users regarding a web page. And it can be measured with factors such as web permanence time or bounce rate.
- Relevance:
It measures the level of affinity of the content of a website with respect to the keywords entered in the search box of the search engine itself.
For example, your online site would be of little relevance if you want to position yourself for workwear keywords, but all your content only talks about sportswear. It wouldn't be relevant.
- Authority:
Google determines with different criteria the authority of a page on a given topic. Depending, mainly on the interaction of users and other websites with the page in question.
The higher the authority, the easier it will be for you to position yourself and the higher you will be in the search engine rankings.
- Loading speed:
Google's greatest endorsement before the advertisers who pay to appear on it is the number of users who use the platform. Therefore, Google is the first interested in offering a high quality service to all its Internet users.
To do this, it will reward those pages that load quickly, that do not make the user wait longer than desired.
- Navigation:
Closely linked to the user experience, it refers to the web architecture of the site. At what levels of depth it is possible to find each page/element of it.
This will also give Google an insight into the general theme of the site and the main keywords of your online page.
What are keywords or keywords
Keywords are one of the greatest SEO weapons. Whenever you try to position a website, you will do it for a specific word or group of words. Keywords.
“A keyword is basically the text that a person enters in the search box.“
In our example above, “work clothes”. This keyword has a fairly high volume of searches per month. That is, many people enter this word in Google throughout the month to buy work clothes or find out about it.
💡 In the article that we have left you in the title of this section, you have all the necessary information on why it is important to master keywords and how to start using them as a true SEO.
Final conclusion to improve your search engine positioning
SEO has many advantages and positive aspects. But it has one drawback. The temporality.
While in advertising you appear immediately, ascending with SEO strategies can be a slower process, but more secure, reliable and lasting in the long term. And much cheaper, of course.
Of course, unfortunately, it is not an exact or constant science, the algorithm varies continuously, so it is important to be up to date with all the metrics of your site and the updates of the search engine.
👉 For this reason, we recommend that you put yourself in the hands of professionals or get advice before making any type of change to your online site. Your web visibility may be affected.
At DOSMEDIA we always follow the guidelines set by Google and we do not want to deceive you at any time. We are an SEO Agency that does SEO for itself and with success.
If you think you need professional help with your search engine optimization strategies, do not hesitate to contact us. We will assist you without any commitment.
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