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What do you need to be a Freelance professional

How to become a freelancer online

Who among us has never dreamed of working from home without moving to the workplace, and being a manager of himself at work, and working according to his own time.

And a lot of wishes, but it was impossible to implement in the past, but in the present day, and after the great development in the field of technology that allowed the transfer of work to the virtual space. and it became possible to provide many services from a distance without the need to move and it is called mini-services or work on the Internet, more precisely.

It's called Freelance.

  1. So what is Freelance?.
  2. What are the fields of Freelance?.
  3. How to become successful freelance?.
  4. What are Freelance websites?.

All these questions and more will be answered in this article. We recommend that you review it to the last, in which you will find all the details about the field of providing services via the Internet or Freelance.

How to become a freelancer online
How to become a freelancer online

After the great technological development that the world has witnessed in the past few years and the expansion of technology exploitation in many fields, especially in the field of providing services on intranets or what is called working on the Internet. the field of free work on the Internet or the so-called Freelance has emerged. and this field has greatly increased demand for it. Recently, because of his large additional financial income and freedom of work.

So what is the field of freelance work on the Internet or freelance, and what are its fields and methods of earning money from freelance work?.


What is Freelance

Freelance, or simple freelance work, is an independent person who specializes in a specific field who provides his service to others in exchange for money and its magazines are so many that it cannot be counted.

  • Writing articles.
  • Translation.
  • Programming websites.
  • Create mobile or computer applications.
  • Improve your SEO visibility.
  • Edit photos or videos.
  • Data entry services.
  • Writing and editing articles.
  • Graphic design services.
  • Text translation services.
  • E-marketing services.
  • Programming and web development services.
  • Mobile application design services.

The field of Freelance has become very popular recently, due to the expanding use of technology in our lives and our reliance on tech work.

How to Become Successful Freelance

To be a successful Free Lancer and get a great financial return, some basic and steps must be available to you and adhere to them.

First, you must specialize in the field in which you will provide your services.

The nature of the situation in any business and to obtain clients, you must have something or a dazzling work to offer to bring customers and buy the service from you, and it must be of added value and high quality. and the services provided by Freelance that have a relationship to the computer are not limited but can Offer anything that you can offer on the Internet, such as training courses without the Internet.

Second, you must register on the freelance sites

There are many global and popular Freelance freelance sites on which you can provide your services by registering for free and publishing your business and what you can provide as a service.

There are a large number of global sites that have a wide reputation in the field, here are the best of these sites.

Arab freelance sites

  1. Independent website
  2. khamsat site
  3. An online job site

Foreign job sites

  1. Freelancer site
  2. Fiverr
  3. Upwork

Third, start providing offers and services

After registering on one of these sites. you can begin to publish and provide the services that you are good at and wait for the arrival of requests from customers, and of course, for a fee, depending on the service.

Freelance Global Sites

freelance sites

Foreign job sites

Where to start your freelance journey

Freelance large sites are competitive sites and it is a very great competition and as a beginner. it is a big mistake to start them directly without any prior experience. so we recommend that you first start learning the good in the field in which you will provide your service.

and offer your services first on various social media platforms Facebook Twitter YouTube ... to obtain the necessary experience to start competing in the global sites dedicated to self-employment.

Freelance positives

  • Work with great comfort.
  • The large financial return of up to thousands of dollars.
  • Various fields cannot be counted.
  • Clients from all over the world.

Freelance downsides

  1. A lot of competition in this area.
  2. Difficulty getting clients.
  3. great effort.
  4. Difficulty negotiating with clients.
  5. Cheat.


To here we have finished our detailed explanation about self-employment and we hope that you have checked out this article that we have answered all the questions that you choose in your mind.

In the latter, the field of self-employment is in continuous development, do not let the opportunity to miss you, and start today to think about working in the field of Freelance and choose what you can offer and make money.

Tips about Freelance

  • Must specialize in a specific area and be creative in it.
  • Registration in all freelance sites.
  • Providing high-quality services.
  • Customers satisfaction.
  • You must have a global bank account and set up a PayPal or Payoneer account.
