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the SEO strategy to adopt to sell more

You need to put in place good strategies and respect good SEO practices: this often overlooked aspect is essential for an E-commerce! In this article, we will discuss the measures to implement in an SEO strategy capable of boosting your traffic and your sales during the sales.

the SEO strategy to adopt to sell more
the SEO strategy to adopt to sell more

1. Focus on long-tail queries

Keywords are always the starting point of any SEO strategy. Sales generate a spike in search engine queries and the first step is to analyze those queries for your industry.

Admittedly, the E-commerce giants monopolize the main queries such as “high tech sales”, “smartphone sales”… but there is always the long tail !

The keywords around sales will mainly look like “Sales + Brand  ”, “Sales + Product ” or “Sales + Theme  ”.

Search Console

If you already have sales pages on your site, you'll start by pulling information from google Search Console.

In the "Coverage" tab, select a period of 16 months to display data covering the last 2-3 sales periods in order to gather as much information as possible.

Google Search Console
Google Search Console

Finally, filter out queries that contain the word “balance” or “sales.”

Google Suggest

  • By typing in the search bar and analyzing what Google suggests, you can retrieve many keywords.
  • Then, for every letter you type, words you might not have thought of are also displayed.

Google Trends

Google Trends is another tool from Google that helps analyze searches and trends.

It is easy to identify if there is a strong demand during the sales period thanks to this tool.

Google Trends
Google Trends

Keyword Magic Tool

With the Keyword Magic Tool, from Semrush, you will find the keywords related to sales in your theme.

Using this tool, one can identify “long tail” queries related to balances.

Internal search engine

It is quite possible that during the last sales, visitors have directly typed in your search bar the various sale products they were looking for.

By analyzing the results on the dates of the sales, you will discover what Internet users have come to look for on your site.

2. Create special sales pages

Now that you know the keywords on which you want to place yourself, you can create the pages, or optimize them if they already exist.

For the most disputed requests, it will be necessary to create semantically solid pages, with optimized content. You will need effective internal networking and consistent product classification.

To know

For less competitive or very specific requests, you can only optimize the native pages of your E-commerce site: often this is enough to position you since the competition does not necessarily work on the long tail.

Home Page

Most E-commerce stores have a sales "home" page. Intended to target the main query, this page will benefit from dense, duly optimized content.

This page will be the foundation of a silo that will distribute the pages of lower levels, reinforcing them.

Obviously, the Titles and other < meta > are optimized and the URLs are timeless.

The lower pages

Once this landing page has been created, the principle will be that of a silo structure. As you go, you'll go down the tree and create more specific pages to target more specific queries.

To follow this strategy, these pages must be presented from the main page while bringing up the links from the lower level to the parent page, using a breadcrumb trail specific to the "Sales" section. You will take care to heal your internal anchors!

And of course, we don't forget: title, Hx , content under the products, add these pages in the sitemap, ...

When to implement your SEO strategy for sales?

The internal link will be decisive in bringing power to your “sales” pages. Since the majority of the time, these are hidden in your site, bringing a progressive mesh will restore their power.

The robots will discover these new internal links scattered on your site, and visit the pages in question. But when should it be done?

One month before sales

  • Add the link of the landing-page in the footer: One month before the launch of the sales, you can add the main page in the footer of your site. It's not the place that will carry the most weight, but it's ideal to start!
  • Add links from native categories: Why not take advantage of your existing categories to add a link to the sales page of the same theme? You can also leverage subcategories or even your products by including other internal links. Be careful not to do anything, and respect the semantic consistency of your internal linking. The more the pages created for the sales will benefit from internal links, the more powerful they will be.
  • Animate the main page and the pages of lower levels: to energize these pages, you can add content regularly. Similar to a blog, crawlers will engage more and return more often if they detect frequent movement on a page.

10 days before sales

Update the tags of your pages: you need to add the terms "Sales from..." or "Sales JX" in your titles to start positioning yourself on long-tail queries. Crawlers take a while to visit and discover new beacons.

To be ready on D-Day, take a little advance!

The day of sales

  1. Add the “Sales” landing page to the main menu of the site. Now that the sales are launched, give maximum visibility to the event by adding the link to your page directly in the menu! The menu can also bring up your entire silo, as a drop-down menu. You can also place a link directly on the content of your home page.
  2. Animate your pages: During this period, you must try to keep your different pages alive.
  3. Add the word “Sales” in the Titles and H1 of products on sale.
  4. Don't forget to modify the titles of your pages again (changed 10 days ago): the sales are no longer at Dx, they are launched!

And after ?

  • Remove all links to the "sales" page and secondary pages (menu, footer, categories, product sheets, etc.)
  • Remove the mention "Sales" in the Titles and H1 of the pages which are no longer concerned (the product pages, etc.)
  • Maintain an internal network: it must be discreet and only in a few places on the site to continue to send juice throughout the year to the "sales" silo.

All you have to do is repeat this strategy during the next sales!
