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The 6 Best DNS Servers list in 2022

Public and free DNS servers allow you to connect securely, and offer the added bonus of accelerating your internet access speed.

DNS (Domain Name System) is a protocol that translates the IP addresses of websites into domain names , which you enter into your browser to access these sites.

Of course, your Internet service provider already assigns you DNS servers, but these are rarely the best and can cause other problems.

The Best DNS Servers list
The Best DNS Servers list

This is why switching to another DNS server can bring benefits, often with more responsive browsing and a 100% uptime rate.

Some of these services can also block access to phishing or infected sites, and some even offer to filter adult content, in order to protect your children from what the Web should not offer them…

Of course, your ISP's "default" DNS isn't necessarily the worst, and not all providers will necessarily be better than the ones you're already using, but if you want to switch, this article features some of the best servers. DNS.

Why change DNS servers?

We touched on it briefly in the introduction, but there are multiple reasons why you may need to change your DNS server:

  • Using a different DNS server than your carrier's can help you unblock content that's blocked in your country.
  • Depending on the DNS server location you choose, you may get better connection performance.
  • Using an alternate DNS server also helps ensure that your ISP cannot log your internet browsing history, for example to serve you ads or sell your data.
  • Using certain DNS servers will also protect you against security attacks such as ransomware, phishing, malware, etc.
  • Many Internet users complain that the DNS offered by their access provider are slow and contribute to slowing down general navigation.
  • Using public DNS servers helps prevent your web activity from being logged for a more private browsing experience.
  • This also allows the blocking of certain websites, for example in the context of parental control.


Beware: Not all DNS servers offer the same services, so check the DNS provider's site to make sure they will (or won't) do what you're looking for.

Finally (although I hope this goes without saying), while most DNS servers are free, they don't give you Internet access and you'll still need an Internet Service Provider to connect.

Remember that DNS servers only translate IP addresses into domain names so that we can access sites by typing in a human-readable name, instead of an IP address in the form of numbers that would be impossible for us to memorize.

1. Cloudflare DNS

Cloudflare is one of the largest companies in the world working in the field of web performance and security.

Since 2018, the company has offered a DNS service, recognized as one of the best free DNS servers you can use today. This DNS server is indeed one of the fastest, and most privacy-friendly DNS servers available on the web.

Let's start with the fact that the company never logs your IP address: yes, the one your ISP uses to track your internet habits. The company even hired a company to audit its systems every year, to make sure it's keeping its privacy promises!

Next, Cloudflare claims a speed gain over other DNS providers of over 28%.

Finally, Cloudflare is very easy to configure. It will only take you a few minutes to configure your DNS preferences.

2. Google Public DNS

Launched in December 2009, the "Google Public DNS" service is probably one of the best known public and free DNS servers in the world. As is often the case, Google is trying to make the internet more reliable and secure.

According to the web giant, Google Public DNS protects users against various types of phishing attacks, especially if you're using older hardware to access the internet.

One of the notable benefits you get by switching to Google Public DNS, therefore, is increased security but also optimized speed since Google uses "Anycast" routing to find the nearest server for data interaction, guaranteeing that you receive the information as soon as possible.

Although it requires a little more knowledge in the configuration, Google Public DNS also supports IPv6 addresses. All in all, this is a very good option for anyone who wants to try out a third-party DNS server.

3. OpenDNS

Provided by Cisco, a networking giant, OpenDNS is another free service that not only gives you the means to access the Internet quickly and securely, but also prevents attacks from hacked or spoofed sites.

OpenDNS blocks phishing sites as well as those that have been reported as infected with malware. Much like Google's, OpenDNS uses "Anycast" routing to direct your connection to the closest servers in an effort to give you faster load times.

Its servers are spread over three continents and OpenDNS is equipped with self-healing technologies, a technology designed against the failure of almost all aspects of the system, and able to withstand possible disruptions to its infrastructure, without causing problems for users.

If you want a trusted DNS service that will never let you down, go with OpenDNS.

4. AdGuard DNS

Popular and free, AdGuard DNS is a DNS server that you can use on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices. With AdGuard DNS, you can block trackers and other analytical tools, which are always on the prowl to understand your web browsing habits, system-wide.

And while it's best known for blocking ads, it has more than that up its sleeve: it can also block adult content as well as malicious websites (which attempt to redirect you to other dubious sites).

With Family Protection Mode, you can enforce safe search in various web browsers. In fact, the search engine will no longer return any sites with adult content.

You don't need to install an app to get all the features of Adguard since you just have to configure it manually. Just like Cloudflare, AdGuard does not log DNS queries, nor the actions or history of its users.

If ensuring the privacy of your web activities is among your criteria, AdGuard DNS is one of the best free DNS servers you can opt for.

5. Yandex DNS

Yandex DNS is a very comprehensive DNS server and if you are looking for an alternative DNS that can deliver reliable performance in most areas, all without costing you an arm and a leg, this one may suit your needs. .

Apart from being Russian, what sets this DNS server apart is probably that it offers so many features: and with such a wide range comes the freedom to customize everything to suit your needs. In addition, it is also among the fastest servers, which may play a role in your choice.

Similar to AdGuard, Yandex DNS offers content filtering, allowing users to ban offensive or adult content.

Yandex DNS also has a robust protection feature that blocks malware and bots.

To meet different needs, it is offered in three different versions: basic, secure and family. While Basic Mode offers fast and reliable DNS, Secure Mode has protection against viruses and scammers. As for the family mode, it is designed to keep young audiences away from adult content.

6. Quad9 DNS

Quad9 DNS is the last public DNS server presented in this article, but that does not mean that it does not deserve your attention, quite the contrary! Just like the other DNS servers on this list Quad9 routes your DNS queries through a secure network of servers around the world.

Once configured, the system protects you from many threats, thanks to the use of more than a dozen leading cybersecurity companies . It therefore provides real-time protection and prevents you from accessing dubious websites: whenever its DNS servers find an infected or cloned website, they block your connection to keep your device and data safe.

Quad9 DNS is very easy to configure and requires no software installation. If none of the other DNS servers meet your needs, you can turn to this one with your eyes closed.

What is the best DNS server?

  • Google Public DNS
  • Cloudflare
  • OpenDNS
  • CyberGhost
  • Quad9
  • OpenNIC DNS
  • DNS.Watch
  • Yandex DNS
  • Neustar DNS
  • CleanBrowsing
  • Comodo Secure
  • UncensoredDNS
  • FreeDNS
  • Verisign Public DNS
  • SafeServe
  • Safe DNS
  • AdGuard

Which DNS for SFR?

The addresses of the SFR DNS servers are and In the event of a DNS SFR problem , when you try to visit a website, try changing your Internet browser, disabling your firewall and restarting your Box

Which DNS to choose in 2022?

OpenDNS is the best fastest dns 2022 . Not only is it fast, but it offers some of the best security for all your connected devices and parental controls to enforce rules on your network. Also check out the best VPN service for Windows and Mac.

Toolkit against an unresponsive DNS server problem

  1. Reset your browser.
  2. Restart your Internet boxes, router and switch.
  3. Disable your antivirus and firewall.
  4. Disable Smartscreen from Windows 10.
  5. Re-pair your CPL sockets and repeaters.

Best DNS Servers for PS4 in 2022 [Top 5]

  1. OpenDNS. We all know the networking giant Cisco. ...
  2. Cloudflare. Cloudflare is known for its content delivery network. ...
  3. Quad9. One of the newer DNS services, Quad9 started in 2022. ...
  4. Google Public DNS. ...
  5. Comodo Secure DNS.

Where to find the DNS server?

If you have a Windows PC, you can get this information by running "ipconfig /all" in the cmd window. Click Start on the taskbar and select "Run." Then enter CMD and click “OK”. Type "ipconfig /all" and press "Enter."
