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PUBG official website for shipping

The official Buggy site for shipping is one of the sites that almost all users of the famous Buggy game flock to, as the users of this game are considered to be in the millions every day.

And since you are reading this article, you are also a user of the game, and like the rest of the players, you are looking for a site to charge PUBG widgets for unlimited access to the resources within the game (clothes, cars, decorated and colored weapons…).

Do not confuse your mind in searching for everything you are looking for in this topic, just keep reading.

PUBG official website for shipping
PUBG official website for shipping

Definition of a site for charging widgets pubg

The importance of Peggy’s wedges shipping site lies in charging the wedges either by balance or through one of the payment cards that you have available.

These wedges can be used within the game in order to purchase the full Real Pass package for the last season or any of the previous seasons, or to buy clothes, cars, bikes, paraphernalia and PUBG weapons of all kinds and everything that is paid inside the game.

It also entitles you to skip some tasks that need several days or months in order to pass.

What is the official pubg website for shipping?

The official site for charging the wedges is midasbuy - Midas Bay, the link to enter it - from here -

Many people search for it in the name of “Midas Charging Peggy”, which is a site for charging Peggy’s wedges in several ways using balance or credit cards.

You may be wondering how to make sure that Midas Bay is the official PUBG shipping site?

It's very simple this sentence “COPYRIGHT © PUBG CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED” at the bottom of the page on the site indicates that this site is in cooperation with the official PUBG company.

You can also access this site from the official site of the company PUBG .

!!(This is just to clarify, because there are a lot of sites that claim to be an official site for shipping, which I have not actually tried, but I must be warned so as not to fall victim to a scam)!!.

One of the site’s advantages is also that it provides you with some free gifts in exchange for you registering on it or following its accounts on social media. All you have to do is enter the free gifts page - from here - and do the task required of you and you will get your gift immediately.

How to use the PUBG website to ship cards by hand

Now that we know the official PUBG shipping site, let's learn how to use it.

First of all you gotta get your hands on how's that? Follow with me:

Enter the PUBG game and then click on the thumbnail of your account, you will find it on the far right at the top.

After that, you will see your personal page that contains all your account information and in it you will find the ID followed by several numbers and next to it you will find the copy icon, click on it to copy your hands.

After that, we go to the official site for charging the pubg widgets:

- From here   - then you enter your hand, which you copied in the ID field, and at the bottom you choose the payment method, then enter your payment information and complete the other simple steps.

And when you complete all the steps, you will enter the game and you will find that the charge has been successfully completed.

That was all about the official PUBG Shipping website link and how to use it.
