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What are the steps in making a TV show?

What are the steps in making a TV show?

    Television is one of the most important and most influential media at the present time, as it is characterized by the tremendous development in its capabilities at the level of image, sound, movement, colour and effects of all kinds, in addition to the quality, capabilities and sizes of screens, as well as high definition technologies and interactive technologies.

    It is also characterized by direct broadcasting via satellite, as one satellite channel can reach all countries of the world through only six satellites.

    Television contains news, music, drama such as series, plays, movies, TV programs of all kinds and classifications, and transmits occasional events, whether religious, sports, political or social. This content is in comprehensive channels, while specialized channels are limited to one specific content.

Definition of a TV show

What are the steps in making a TV show?
What are the steps in making a TV show

A television program is an idea or a set of ideas that are formulated using a specific template, with sound, image and artistic effects, to achieve a goal or a set of goals.

TV Show Rating Criteria

Television programs are rated based on several criteria, namely:

  • Artistic template or form: whether it is a dialogue, a report, or a talk, as it is one of the most important types on which television programs are categorized; This is because it represents the entrance through which the main structure of television programs can be studied.
  • Language: TV may broadcast its programs in all languages ​​of the world, whether it is an Arabic or foreign language or a foreign language with subtitles.
  • Broadcasting time: TV programs are divided into several times, for example, morning programs, evening programs, afternoon programs, and night programs.
  • Broadcast periodicity: means that the television program is shown on television either on a daily, weekly, monthly or bi-monthly basis.
  • Audience: Means the category to which the TV program is shown, including women, children, youth, an elite specialized in a specific field.
  • Content and content: political, religious, sports, economic, cultural, social, humorous, artistic, scientific.
  • Objective or Function: The objective of the television program shall be for advertising, entertainment, educational, informational, and educational objectives.  

Top TV Show Templates

  • TV magazine template.
  • inquiry template.
  • Miscellaneous Template.
  • Competition template.
  • Seminar or round table template.
  • Interview and dialogue template.
  • Live Talk Template.
  • Subscriber audience template.

Types of TV Shows

Live talk programme

    It is considered one of the easiest types of programs, as this type of program is limited to one speaker, who directs his speech either to the audience in the studio or to the audience who sees it on the TV screen, and it depends entirely on the personality of the speaker, and the most important characteristics of a successful speaker are the following: Impersonation and lack of frugality in presentation, the ability to attract the attention of the audience, the ability to present topics simply and clearly.

Interview and dialogue programme

    It is a program based on dialogue between two people and has a specific goal; It aims to raise public awareness, increase knowledge, exchange views and ideas, and shed light on issues of concern to public opinion. The dialogue is categorized into 3 sections in terms of the objective:

  • Opinion Dialogue: It aims to know the opinions of ordinary people on a particular topic or the opinion of the guest on a particular topic.
  • Information Dialogue: It aims to obtain specific information about a particular event or issue from the guest; This is because it is considered a source of information or familiar with it.
  • Character Dialogue: It aims to shed light on the guest's personality and convey it to viewers, whether the guest is a commoner or a famous person of his stature.

    The ingredients for a successful dialogue depend on the presenter, subject, guest, audience, language, questions, time and place.

TV magazine

    It presented the magazine television periodically either monthly or bi-monthly or weekly, which includes paragraphs of variety in terms of content and form, linked by a particular unit, sometimes called the number of the program, and be the paragraphs of the program arranged such as print, offering addresses on behalf of the inaugural magazine, the subject of the cover and so, Whereas, the TV magazine collects all the templates for the programs but in a miniature form, for example, the mini-TV report, the mini-dialogue, the mini-news, and the mini-report.

Special Program

    It is a program that has one goal, as it seeks to highlight a specific topic with certain artistic templates, such as pictures, drawings, newspaper headlines, dialogue, investigation, drama, and this is while giving the elements of diversity and movement and moving between paragraphs and clips while achieving anticipation and suspense and highlighting the contradiction in positions. different opinions, as well as making comparisons and deepening clarification and explanation; This is to give comprehensive information on a particular topic.

TV investigation programme:

    Where it is called investigative journalism or documentaries, it is a program that presents various topics clearly and profoundly, based on real living with the problem and real analysis of it and meeting the people who are related to it, as it is considered the most professional television program, the deepest impact and the most expensive.

It is divided into 3 types, which are the following:

  • News report: It is a report that works on interpreting and explaining aspects of the news in a fast, concise and lively manner.
  • Event investigation: It is an investigation that searches for what is behind the events, as it clarifies the reasons and hidden matters. It is not satisfied with answering the questions of the ordinary press release (who, when, how, what, where), but rather focuses on answering the question (why).
  • Achievement of milestones: it includes several types, such as the referendum investigation, the place investigation, the character investigation, the investigation of problems, and the historical investigation of events.

Live programs

    They are programs that address the public directly, such as economic, religious, social and medical programs. These programs depend on one person who is an expert in his field of work and talks about a specific problem or topic. He is considered an expert and not a broadcaster; Because no one talks.

Competitions programs

    These programs are considered easy programs in terms of preparation and content. They have a new creative idea, which is based on the idea of ​​making competitions among the audience and depends on excitement and movement.

Children's programs

    They are programs that care for children, and it is possible to make a child present this type of program, as the way they are presented depends on drawings, colours and animations; To excite the child and attract his attention to the program.

Steps to making a TV show

Pre-production stage:

It is the preparation period for the program, which includes the following:

  • Defining and selecting the idea: The idea must be innovative and new, uncomplicated, attractive, realistic, serve the goal, and fit the values ​​of the community.
  • Preparation: It includes conducting field research and reviewing all developments on the subject.
  • Preparing the work plan: it includes choosing the name of the program and its main idea, the technical template used, choosing the guests and presenters, determining the duration of the program, its number of episodes, and its target audience.
  • Scriptwriting: a complete visualization of the program is developed, including the image, sound, scene, transition and text.

Production stage

    Where it is considered the actual implementation phase of the television program and includes the following:

  • Choosing photographic cadres, preparing the site, and choosing the appropriate decoration.
  • Choosing appropriate lighting for the place, as the lighting contributes to building a visual scene between the speaker and the viewer and achieving the desired goal of the program.
  • Implementation of the photographic process, where successful photography aims to create an attractive and influential vision of the subject of the photograph; Because the success of the program depends not only on what we portray but also on how we portray it. Photography is the language of television in expressing the program's message and goals.


This stage includes the following:

  1. Unpacking the captured footage, indexing and selecting among them.
  2. Carrying out the montage process, where is by assembling the clips in a sequence, according to the context and objectives of the program.
  3. Recording commentary text, soundtrack and sound effects.
  4. Do the audio mix.
  5. Write the names of the speakers in the bar at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Carrying out the broadcasting of the program via TV stations.

Who is the TV production team?

  1. External transport engineer.
  2. External transport unit.
  3. Electrical technician.
  4. Electricity workers.
  5. calligrapher production management.
  6. Production implementer.
  7. author.
  8. The preparer.
  9. Scriptwriter.
  10. the director.
  11. Assistant director.
  12. The actors.
  13. musicians.
  14. Artists.
  15. Fashion Designer.
  16. Clothing Supervisor.
  17. Tailor.
  18. Decoration designer.
  19. Decoration implementer.
  20. Accessory Coordinator.
  21. Studio manager.
  22. Video Engineer Tep.
  23. Tip video device driver.
  24. Camera Monitor.
  25. Lighting Supervisor.
  26. Lighting technician.
  27. Photographers.
  28. Photography assistants.
  29. Image blender.
  30. Studio engineer.
  31. audio monitor.
  32. cinema unit.
  33. Film tech.
  34. Film montage.

Importance of TV Shows

  • Directing comprehension and perception.
  • getting information.
  • Directing the behaviour of individuals.
  • Social interaction.
  • Leisure and entertainment.

 TV Shows Strengths

  1. Diversity: Diversity is in the ways and types of programs presented, such as political, sports, cultural programs and others.
  2. Attractiveness: where television programs work to attract, control, persuade and influence the audience.
  3. Interactive: most television programs are based on the idea of ​​interacting with the audience, through social media, field reports, or by communicating over the phone.
  4. Abundance and communication: TV programs are available to viewers all day long and have a replay schedule.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of television programs

Several factors affect the effectiveness of television programs and their ability to change the nature of the audience watching them, including the following:

  1. Credibility variables: They are factors related to the credibility of the television program and its inclusion of all facts and information.
  2. Audience variables: where the audience addressed by the TV program differs in terms of its nature, experiences, inclinations, interests, culture, society and vulnerability.
  3. Content variables: it is the content and its strength that determines its ability to influence the target audience and satisfy the recipient's needs.
  4. Environment variables: Since the region in which television programs are shown is very important in making an impact, it may be either a catalyst for bringing about the required change, or a weakness factor for the failure of those programs, as there are programs that may succeed in certain environmental areas and not succeed in others.

Types of TV footage

  1. Big close upshot.
  2. Very close up.
  3. Close up shot.
  4. Medium closes up.
  5. Medium shot.
  6. A three-quarter shot of the body or up to the knee “Knee shot”.
  7. Medium long shot.
  8. Full long shot.
  9. Extreme close up.
  10. Long shot
  11. Extreme long shot.
