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How to sell on Instagram? A Guide to monetize your store

How to sell on Instagram? A Guide to monetize your store

    Instagram now has more than 800 million users. The main users are 18-29 years old. It has quickly become one of the hottest marketplaces in the world.

    80% of users are subscribed to at least one of their favourite brands which is a godsend for selling on Instagram.

    The visual content giant has become one of the leading social platforms for boosting sales for your business.

    To start, think about building a powerful network on Instagram, create a community that reflects your business.

    Its powerful features can help any marketer turn Instagram fans into customers.

    In 2018 alone, the app is expected to generate $ 6.8 billion in advertising revenue for mobile services.

    Instagram is a real asset for those who want to sell and have their Instagram store. Indeed, 14% of users are likely to make a purchase directly on the application, “a detail” that should not be overlooked in your strategy.

    However, it is not that simple, there are several ways to sell on Instagram.

    We recommend that you take our comprehensive Instagram training to learn how to best sell on Instagram and become profitable.

Let's take a look at 6 tips for selling on Instagram:

How to sell on Instagram? A Guide to monetize your store
How to sell on Instagram? A Guide to monetize your store

1- The basics of the Instagram store: Add a Call-to-Action in your bio

  1.     An easy way to sell on Instagram is to add a CTA in your bio. Instagram is very limited in terms of links. The platform wants users not to scatter and stay as long as possible on Instagram. This is why this social network allows very few links, the biography is an exception and it has the advantage of being very well placed.
  2.     So place a link in your bio, to gain maximum visibility! It is the perfect place to redirect your visitors to your store.
  3.     Use this location strategically. If you have a hot product, a new product line to feature, or any other product you would like to promote, use your bio.
  4.     Remember, this location is valuable. It will increase traffic to your site so it can potentially increase your sales on Instagram.

2- Create a dedicated landing page to be able to sell on Instagram

  •     Personalization has been proven to be an important factor in increasing the success of a business. One way to do this to sell on Instagram is to create a specific landing page for your Instagram users.
  •     Chances are, the people who visit your Instagram profile have come from a photo of you that they accidentally found and liked. While your store looks great, it's not optimized for conversion, nor personalized.
  •     Our tip: Create a homepage with your Instagram photos, directing visitors to where they can buy the products from those photos. This landing page will literally define your Instagram store.

3- Add a link to sell on Instagram in your story

    This feature is only available for accounts with more than 10,000 subscribers.

I don't have 10,000 subscribers yet

    As seen previously Instagram admits very few links on its platform, even on its story. But for users with over 10,000 followers, Instagram was an exception.

    The Instagram story is another way to reach visitors and turn them into customers, then just swipe up to access the site. Stories appear above the news of Instagram users and even in “explore”, they are exclusive spaces to highlight sales promotions.

    Our tip: Post a story, preferably with a photo of your product, including a promotional code or limited promotion. The little extra to boost your Instagram store sales, tag a city link known to appear in the city story.

    The advantage of the story is that it disappears after a day, you can display a promo code and create a sense of urgency, this method boosts sales.

4- Collaborate with influencers: sell on Instagram quickly

  1.     Influencers are very important on Instagram.
  2.     These people have an important “Fanbase” who follow them in what they do daily. By partnering with an influencer to create a sponsored post, you can reach a wider target or reach a new segment.
  3.     In addition, these influencers generally cost much less than a normal social media ad, so a way to sell on Instagram at a lower cost!
  4.     Brands spend around $ 1 billion a year on Instagram influencer marketing.
  5.     By adopting the right strategy, your brand can sign a partnership with influential people. This partnership will generate a great return on investment in terms of conversion and brand awareness.
  6.     Indeed, by working with influential people, you can leverage their network and their brand to promote your offers.
  7.     Our tip: Give influencers a discount code so that users can quickly buy your products and explore your Instagram store.
  8.     You will also like The Power of Instagram stories.

5- Promotion by your users: a boom for your Instagram store

    Get your community involved!

Encourage your followers to post photos of your product in use. Ask your users to tag your account and use your hashtag.

    This strategy helps build a community around your brand and helps raise awareness. By posting content and tagging the customer, you will increase their visibility and increase your engagement rate.

    Seeing the product in action and a satisfied customer can drive sales, especially when the product is specific. Promoting directly by your users is one of the most authentic ways to sell on Instagram because it's a great way to show your product in action and demonstrate its quality.

6- Ads to sell on Instagram

    You have surely seen or heard of “Instagram Ads”. This type of advertising is driven on the Facebook Ads platform. Instagram ads allow you to precisely target people in your market.

    Retargeting even allows you to target people who have already expressed interest in your product.

    Instagram Ads helps you reach potential customers so get your Instagram store off the ground. Unfortunately, relying solely on the power of your content and the actions of your followers won't be enough to sell on Instagram.

    Instagram Ads is a powerful tool that will definitely boost sales for your business.

    The key with Instagram is the cost per acquisition.

    Our tip: If you manage to make a profit on every trade, you can increase the campaign budget to trigger the snowball effect.


    Instagram is more than a social network, it is the most effective way to get your store off the ground today thanks to the impressive conversion rate that this platform generates.

    These tactics outlined above can help set up a conversion funnel. Instagram will allow you to boost your sales but also to create a brand image.

    There are several free and easy tactics like adding a CTA to your bio, links to your stories, or paid strategies like Instagram ads. It's up to you to test and find the approaches that suit you best.
