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    E-marketing: is marketing through all digital technologies, including mobile phones, websites and social media; Reaching out to customers helps build brand awareness and sell goods or services.

    The basics of marketing remain the same (creating a strategy to get the right messages to the right people).

Email Marketing Plans:

Email Marketing Plans
Email Marketing Plans

Executive summary of the e-marketing plan:

    The executive summary of your e-marketing plan should provide a short summary of your entire e-marketing strategy. It should include highlights from each section of the rest of the document. How much and that the executive summary should provide enough detail to arouse the interest of senior executives and encourage them to participate in the e-marketing plan and how it can benefit the business.

The executive plan should ideally be brief and easy to understand. You should write this section of your plan after completing the rest.

The summary should specify the following:

  • Work environment.
  • The main issues that emerged from your situation analysis.
  • The main goals of your e-marketing plan.
  • Strategies and tactics to use.
  • Expected results and expected return on investment.

Situation analysis of e-marketing plan:

The situation analysis section of your e-marketing plan should include an analysis of your internal (micro) and external (macro) business environments.

Internal considerations include:

  • clients.
  • Current offer market online.
  • competitors.

External considerations could be:

  1. Social consideration: How changing consumer attitudes can affect your approach.
  2. Legal consideration: Compliance with e-marketing laws, such as data protection.
  3. Environmental consideration: for example ensuring that your approach is ethical and sustainable.
  4. Political consideration: How local or national government might affect your plan. Technological
  5. consideration: How developments in technology may affect your market.

Objectives and strategy of the e-marketing plan:

    The goals you decide for your digital marketing should be smart (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely). Also, you should think about how it aligns with your overall business goals and your KPIs. You should also consider what the return on your investment will be as it is likely to be financial, but could also include, for example:

  • Improved conversion rate.
  • Increase brand awareness.
  • Increase in visits to your website.
  • greater market share.

    Your plan needs to look at the entire customer journey, for example, how the customer will learn about your brand, why they will then want to visit your website and how easy it is to make a purchase or register once on your site.

Your Email Marketing Strategy:

    Once you have defined your goals, you should provide a summary of your strategy, outlining how you will use digital marketing to achieve your goals. This should summarize the "big picture" and lead to the next section of your plan, in which you will define the tactics you want to use.

 Tactics for Email Marketing Plan:

    The tactics section of your digital marketing plan will describe how you will implement your strategy, and outline the channels and tools you will use. Your tactics should include:

  1. Summary of Your Digital Marketing Mix: What Channels Will You Use? Your reasons for choosing each channel and implementation details.
  2. Segment the customers you will use and how each channel will be targeted.
  3. A summary of the metrics you'll use to measure the performance of each channel.
  4. What KPIs You Will Use to Evaluate Performance There are many digital marketing channels that you can use.


    Email marketing allows you to create more targeted and personal messages. This helps you build more meaningful relationships with your customers while improving response rates for your direct marketing campaigns. It can also be a more effective alternative to traditional marketing because e-newsletters are cheap or free.

Short Message Service (SMS):

    SMS (text messages) allow information to be sent to groups of people as quickly and easily as e-mail messages.


    Websites offer a flexible option to meet any marketing needs. However, with so many other websites out there, as an online marketer, you need a strategy to get attention to you and your uses.

Text Marketing:

    Targeting customers with mobile messaging can be a very powerful marketing tool when used appropriately.

Social networks:

    Social networking sites (such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) can be excellent tools for interacting with your existing customers and making new business contacts.


    If you are an expert in your field, consider sharing that expertise online. Posting tips or opinions on your blog can help you promote yourself and your business. Blogs also tend to have high search engine rankings, so having them can make it easier for potential customers to find information about your business.

Budget for email marketing plan:

    The final section of your digital marketing plan will determine your budget to achieve your goals. And this should be a single spreadsheet that lists:

  1. What do you plan to spend in general?
  2. How this will be broken down across tactics over a specified period of time.
  3. Any key financial performance indicators or milestones to be met.
  4. The potential return on investment across channels.
  5. Summary of expected benefits: which can be used in the executive summary.

    The expected benefits summary should include estimates of how much traffic will be generated from each tactic and how many leads are likely to continue to convert. You should also include an analysis of the expected sales of each tactic and the profits that each will generate. This will help you determine the net profit from your comprehensive digital marketing plan.

Legal issues of the e-marketing plan:

Several regulations relate specifically to e-marketing.

Email and SMS Marketing:

    Of the regulations, some rules cover marketing emails and SMS messages to individuals. You are legally required to use the opt-out procedure for commercial emails, which means that you can only target people who have agreed to contact them. As the rules only apply to new customers. You may continue to market to existing customers provided that they can opt-out of future communications and that the marketing communications cover similar products and services. You must also clearly mark your emails with your contact details and include a valid return email address.

Your website:

    All websites must carry your company's registered address and company (or charity's) registration number.

Using cookies:

    Cookies are text files that are stored on a user's computer when they visit a website they use. The cookie then sends the information back to the website and can be used to monitor user's browsing preferences, for example, the types of goods searched, pages visited and how long each page stays.

    You must tell your website visitors that you are using cookies and get their consent. You must also tell users of your site how you use cookies.
