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    Relationship marketing is the answer to public saturation about the current hype. Today we are all drowned in advertising and standing out is becoming more and more difficult. It will take extra ingenuity to draw attention to your company and your products.

    And if it's hard to get attention, it's even harder to keep it. Fortunately, there is a method and its tools to retain the customers that you have succeeded in attracting: Relationship marketing

Relationship Marketing: Definition

Relationship Marketing
Relationship Marketing

    Relationship marketing is all the means in place to keep customers in the loyalty, approaching her. It is a long-term system often compared to traditional marketing and being its opposite.

    It's the short definition of relationship marketing, but what does it mean in practice?

    It is using tools such as CRMs or marketing direct automation to allow you to personalize your customers' experience as much as possible.

    Even some will tell you that you are no longer addressing consumers, but simply people. So, for example, don't forget to wish them a happy birthday.

1. Use appropriate tools (CRM and marketing automation)

    You will save yourself a lot of headaches by using the right tools. As mentioned above, CRM and marketing automation will give you the most help. There are many other tools, but these two will make it much easier to apply the tips below.

    The use of a CRM is already in itself relationship marketing. In addition, it is very practical in any modern marketing approach.

    Marketing automation for its part allows a simplified application of all your emailing projects, allowing for example to put the names of your customers.

2. Segment your lists and stay critical

    Your customers will come into contact with you through your advertisements or some of your products, but will not necessarily be interested in your entire range. It is therefore important to ensure that you remain critical.

    If a person is only interested in your clothes, and never the wonderful soap that you sell too, then sometimes you can try to interest them. But if they are only interested in your clothes then don't send them your soap tips, just your pants sales.

    This whole process is of course long and different for each client. This is where CRM and marketing automation comes in.

3. Maintain a quality relationship

    Relationship marketing is a long-term approach, with loyalty objectives. So it is important to have the trust of your customers and then to work to keep it.

    Services and products must of course be worthy of this trust.

    If you do well enough, you might even turn some customers into ambassadors!

4. Create a sales funnel

    A sales funnel represents the evolution of your relationship with your customers and the way in which you will interact.

    There is first the first contact, possibly a subscription to your newsletter, the first purchase, or possibly an inexpensive offer from you, etc. This whole process aims for consistency in the relationship with your customers

5. A loyalty system by vouchers or points

    There is a slightly different and much more visible and well-known version of relationship marketing. It's the voucher and point systems. They are very often found in supermarkets, offering services and products based on points. It also allows you to observe the habits of your customers.

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