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Everything we know about 6G technology so far

Everything we know about 6G technology so far

    Although the technology of 5G networks has not reached many countries and countries until this moment.

    especially developing countries and countries of the third world. there are already some talk and expectations about the technology of next-generation 6G. communications and how this technology can serve developed countries and generations coming from users. 

    Let us first tell you that all the information we got about 6G technology is still just theories and expectations of analysts. but it will certainly be the next technology that will use many industrial fields, especially artificial intelligence services, robotics. robotics and device automation. Now let's take a quick look at the history of communication network technologies to see how this technology has evolved to become the way it is now. and what can we expect from it shortly?.

See also: information and communication technology.

How did we get to 6G...

Everything we know about 6G technology so far
Everything we know about 6G technology so far

    Let us shorten your long lines and say that the moment of the emergence of wireless communication was in 1895 when the Italian scientist and inventor Guglielmo Marconi sent a set of symbols wirelessly via radio waves for a distance of about 3.4 km. But circumstances make us have to wait nearly a hundred years for a Motorola engineer named Martin Cooper to come up with a new invention in 1973 which he called cordless phones. also referred to in all technical circles as 0G mobile phones.

    Soon after the invention of the Motorola engineer. telecommunications networks from all over the world rushed to search and explore the possibility of reaching 1G technology from mobile phone networks. on the second. At the time, these speeds barely allowed for wireless voice phone calls, but many obstacles and challenges faced 1G. most notably the low voice accuracy and poor transmission quality, and we could not actually use it until around 1991.

    But with telecom companies all over the world competing, we quickly came up with 2G technology in the 1990s. The bandwidth speed went from 30 kHz to 200 kHz. with a speed of more than 380 kbps. These results not only boosted and improved the voice performance of phone calls, but also allowed the ability to send SMS, email. and even browse the web – despite its very modest performance at the time.

    Decade after decade, we have witnessed tremendous leaps in the development of wireless communication technology and technologies. and we have been able to develop third-generation networks with speeds exceeding 50 times the standard speed of second-generation networks. and this means that it has become possible to make video calls remotely, use web-based applications and the ability to surf Internet sites. In fact, you can say that the 3G network has been the first credit for what we have reached so far. But the matter did not stop there.

    Soon, we were able to develop 4G. which was described as an unprecedented leap in the world of wireless communications. It came with very high speeds ranging from 50 to 500 times the normal speed of 3G networks. It is precisely this technology that has made it possible to broadcast and watch high definition videos over the Internet.

    Now we are dealing with 5G networks thanks to Qualcomm, which confirms that it is the most important technology in the world of communications for advanced fields. including the Internet of Things, automation services and extended reality XR. Although the maximum speed of 5G networks is up to 20 gigabits per second. there is no doubt that 6G technology will be able to outperform it by an unprecedented margin in the industry.

What do we expect about 6G technology?

    It is rumoured that the technology of the sixth generation networks will be 100 times faster than the fifth-generation networks. which has not yet reached many countries and countries. as this technology will use high-frequency waves known as sub-millimetre waves. unlike the waves of the fifth generation networks that currently use mmWave waves.

    Certainly 6G technology will provide a data latency that will not exceed one microsecond. while increasing bandwidth to its maximum limits to accommodate the process of enhancing the improved communication. in short. you can consider the sixth-generation technology that will be able to bridge the gap or latency between what is in the digital world and the real world. Samsung was the first to mention what it was able to achieve with 6G technology through the Samsung Networks event:.

    RedefinedShe expressed her readiness for the company's roadmap to achieve a high-speed connectivity experience through next-generation networks. Which indicated that it will be at least 50 times the standard speed of fifth-generation networks and one-tenth of the latency.

What are the obstacles that 6G technology must overcome?

    There is no doubt that 6G technology will cause a huge technological revolution in the field of wireless communications, which will change the usual way of perceiving and obtaining information. how to communicate with people, machines and life experience in general. But to achieve this requires more tangible improvements in the performance. computing capabilities and processing systems of smartphones. 


    But certainly, the biggest challenge or the biggest obstacle to the technology of the fifth generation networks is how you will be able to deal with the problem of absorption of the frequencies by the atmosphere and the severe loss that Terahertz waves are exposed to. In fact, this problem still exists and is one of the most miserable obstacles to 5G technology. as there have been many complaints from users who suffer from losing the entire signal in their phones just because there is a physical obstruction by a tree or a building wall. 

    But from Samsung's speech at the Redefined event, it seems that there is already a glimmer of hope in the ability of 6G technology to confront and overcome this problem with confidence. The Korean giant indicated that the network topology of the grid-type, spectrum sharing and end-to-end artificial intelligence will be the infrastructure of the 6G network technology.

So, when will 6G technology be launched?

    In fact, it is too early to talk about 6G technology at the moment, and this is not just a personal opinion. but rather the opinion of Eric Cooden, chief technology officer of Ericsson. when he spoke at MWVC 2020 Shanghai and said literally, “I don’t really know what It means 6G, again I assure you that it is now all about 5G only."

    But despite this, there are some rumours that the research and development process is just starting. but we will wait at least a decade before the emergence of the 6G networks. At the same time, the founder of Huawei told CNBC that we are about 10 years away from 6G technology. In addition. a report was published on the American technology research and studies website ABI Research, which states that 6G technology is coming by 2028 or 2029 at the latest.
