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Basics of Google search results 2021

Search results are released

    The basics of publishing search results. In this article, we learn how to publish Google search results. get targeted visitors to your site, and make your site appear on the first page of Google and other search engines. Search engine optimization is the main factor in ranking first. Learn about the importance of search results.

    SEO is what search engines and Google spiders depend on. Google bots search for articles on blogs or websites, then determine if the article is worth appearing in the results and first pages of the search engine.

    Of course, search engines are looking for something in the article, and we will mention it to you in the form of points to understand the leadership in search results, and the basis for this is your understanding of how Google thinks about choosing the important article and raising it on the first page.

    All you have to do now, my brother, the visitor of the Sabbagh Informatics blog, is to understand this article well and focus on it from beginning to end to benefit and learn about the correct ways to issue Google search results 2021 without effort and with complete ease.

How to publish search engine results in 2021

  1. writing an exclusive article is one of the most important factors in search engine rankings.
  2. Attention to keywords (the main target word) and the number of keywords present in the topic.
  3. The number of words in the article must be greater than the number of words in your competing articles.
  4. In writing the article, focus on the sub-headings and make sure that they are not repeated in the search results.
  5. In order not to appear in Google results, you must format your article professionally and distinctly.
  6. You have to use synonyms in a healthy way, which guarantees you the lead in search engines.
  7. Do not use (words stuffing) the keywords because they negatively affect the search results and are considered spam.
  8. I use internal and external links to link articles to rank in Google.
  9. Write in your own distinctive style from others and avoid spelling errors, as this helps to rank among the search engines.
  10. The article's most important introduction and conclusion, and put points, quotes, and numbers to lead Google results.

Basics of Google search results 2021
Basics of Google search results in 2021

How to top Google search results simply

    The issue of search engines, in general, is the summary of your personal experiences in blogging and learning from the mistakes you have made in appearing for your article or blog in the search results. Thus, you benefit daily and know the secrets of search engines' issuance and how to top the results every time you write a new topic on your site or blog.

    If you review the article of your competitors and see how this competitor is published in Google search results, you will learn many secrets of exporting engines to Google or other global search engines and benefit from real visitors.

    Analyze the articles of your competitors and it is a way to top Google search results, this analysis is what makes you a blogger easily leads in any article you write, and stay away from working randomly with the Google search engine, it will return your search results on pages far from the first page, and you need of course to be on the first page for search engines.

    Therefore, we are well aware that the results of the search are the result of your intelligence and your idea of ​​developing your site and also comes from clean SEO and work on analyzing Google search results for your competitor and learning from mistakes and avoiding them.

    Pay close attention to the points you mentioned previously, the title above, to be at the top of the search engine results. The results are issued. You have to be professional and fully analyze the results of your competitor’s search in your field to always remain on the first page.

The best ways to publish Google search results in 2021

    Now for your articles to rank in Google, we have found the most proven and powerful Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, which will make you stand out from the crowd. So, brought to you by Sabbagh for your information, let's get started.

1- Your article titles should be readable and short

    According to many types of research done by many SEO professionals short URLs, have the potential to rank higher compared to URLs that are comparatively longer.  Also, the search engine prefers short URLs. So, whenever a new page is published, make sure you choose a short and readable title. Search engine optimization.

2- Put the target keyword in the URL

    For example, your website address is, and you are creating a page about SEO where the keyword is " to achieve the highest rating," hence the link should be as follows: / SEO. So your URL should have a higher chance of appearing in Google results.

3- You must use synonymous keywords LSI

    When you type in a specific keyword in a Google search, you will see a set of suggestions under it.  The Google search engine has become highly dependent on high-quality content that is relevant to each other.  Including these keywords LSI synonymous with your content as side headings or in paragraphs, ensures that you appear Your site is in a lot of search terms and therefore a better ranking.

4- Post long and easy-to-use content for the visitor

     The longer the content, the more LSI keywords your article can include and as we know, Google determines search positions based on LSI equivalent keywords. As a result, the higher your LSI word count, the higher your search engine ranking will be.

5- You should improve the click-through rate for your article title

    There is something of great importance in your site's ranking. It is the click-through rate for the title of the page in Google search,

    To improve this rate, make the title of your article attractive and attractive, and use odd numbers and question marks, as well as buzzwords.

6- I use backlinks in the sense of external links

    In simple terms, they are called external links because they send visitors outside your site to someone else's website.

    But why is it important?  According to a study, sites with external links rank higher than sites with only internal links. 

    This shows us that Google considers external links an essential factor in the search results.

    One thing you must remember while linking to other sites is always link to sites that are relevant to your site and that have high authority because their authority may affect your site.

7- Use the internal linking between the pages of your site

    Internal linking allows visitors to navigate through your website with ease. It also helps in setting up the information hierarchy on your site and your articles.

    It also helps to pass the ranking strength on the site from strong pages to weak ones.

8- Pay attention to the speed of your site

    Today, the speed of the site is a key factor in the lead,  as many sites have lost their lead because their speed is very slow. Use site acceleration plugins that compress CSS, js and other codes.

    Also, reduce the AdSense ad units if you change it on your pages, or watch the videos of the Sabbagh Informatics channel in accelerating sites and blogs. This is one of the most important basics of Google search results 2021.

9- Include photos, videos, and presentations in your articles

    To provide the best possible UX (User Experience) user experience,  you should add multimedia to your content to make it attractive and for visitors to interact with. Use of multimedia such as videos, maps, graphs, images,

    Users will stay on your page for a long time, which will support the ranking of your website. This increases your chance of being on top of Google search results.

    Frequently asked questions from most website owners, we put brief answers to them for people to want to shorten the answer in the following:

How to catch words in the Google search engine for 2021

  • Optimization (Search Engine Optimization) Take care of the SEO of your site.
  • Add targeted keywords to your articles.
  • Monitoring (Search Engine Optimization) Constant monitoring of your site to ensure that the results are on top.
  • Make sure your content matches the word you want to search.
  • You have to reduce the bounce rate on your site.
  • Search for keywords synonymous with the same keyword to TargetStep Target Synonyms
  • Publish high-quality content as we know that content is the king and is the basis for being at the top in search results.
  • Creating backlinks to your site is a very powerful backlink to stay on top.
  • Track your results and monitor them in Google Webmasters.


How do I optimize my site with targeted keywords?

  •  Make sure your keyword is at the beginning of your article title.
  •  Make your articles not less than 1000 words to have a greater chance of being ranked first.
  •  Add your target keyword 3-5 times to your articles.

Does updating articles help SEO?

    Of course, you should constantly update your content continuously to always remain at the top of the search engines, and constantly follow your site on Google webmasters to ensure that you are always on top. 

    If you update your content with up-to-date, reliable and valuable information for the visitor, you will have a better chance of being on the first pages of search engines and always being on top.

    The keywords you used in the article to learn, for example, ⇚ Export search results  Export search engines Release  Google search results.

Google search results are released

    Many procedures help bloggers to rank in the Google search engines, and the most important thing is to rely on exclusivity in writing your article to help you appear on the first pages of Google.

    All bloggers should give up copying other people's content to speed up writing their articles. This makes your entire site far from being in the first results of search engines,  whether in Google search, Bing, Yahoo or many others.

    Google search results are important for all content makers and ranking first in it requires you to make an effort that is not easy, especially in articles that have great competition in search results to benefit from targeted visitors from Google.
