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Learn about the workshop model and how to organize this important event successfully

Learn about the workshop and how to organize it successfully

Learn about the workshop and how to organize it successfully
Learn about the workshop and how to organize it successfully

    One of the best options for anyone who wants entrepreneurship and work in the field of business is to share knowledge and experience that he has with people and that there are several ways and options, including courses, lectures, courses, as well as workshops or the Workshops. Therefore, in this particular article, we will talk about how to organize a workshop.

    Through these events (workshops) that are based on a shorter period of time than other means and formats of content, the workshops have become captivating the hearts of many people, especially content creators who want to earn extra money and gain greater audience interaction.

    If this is exactly the case for you, but you still have some questions about how to set up this important event, continue reading this article. We will explain to you the meaning of the workshop, the features it consists of as well as the main points you need to organize your workshop in a distinctive style.

What does workshop mean?

    A workshop is a type of content (event) that is organized and brings together people interested in learning skills or knowledge related to a specific topic or field. It is a type of training the objective of which is to develop a specific skill through certain activities.

    This workshop is delivered by one or more moderators, who are responsible for the content, and they guide the people and participants during the course of the conversation. The workshop usually lasts for a relatively short time, when the focus is on the participants' productivity.

    In this sense, these people actively and practically participate in the event, whether through discussion and talk about certain situations or through other activities and actions.

    Finally, in each seminar session, it is customary to give a brief presentation on the topic you are talking about, and then the session is interspersed with dialogue in groups as well as about work and activities from a practical point of view. 

What is the difference between course and workshop?

    In fact, despite the confusion that may occur between these two concepts, there are things and differences between them and the main ones lie in the following.

    This idea was inspired by this video that we found on YouTube, which provides an integrated view of the difference between these two formats, and of course, when you realize these differences and put them in mind, you can focus on the content and benefit from these two events in proportion to your business goals.

    Usually, the training course is for a longer period of time compared to a workshop or workshop, which usually lasts for limited hours over a day or two, depending on the desired goal.

    The person in charge of the workshop and managing it is called the coordinator. In the educational session, it is common for him to be called the “trainer”. The participants in the workshop are called “participants”, because, as we talked about at the beginning of this article, they have an active and productive role in the workshop and not just attend in the name. Those who participate in the course are usually called “apprentices”.

For example 

    Create a workshop talking about digital marketing or Digital Marketing can start by presenting a technical presentation talking about this subject, and then permeates a discussion or dialogue between the participants in the workshop. 

    After that, the attendees are divided into groups and a specific work or task is assigned to each group, and in this particular opportunity, the members of one team put the skills and sciences they have acquired to come up with solutions into practice.

    This workshop concludes with an analysis of the findings.

    In general, educational courses and workshops are great options for imparting and sharing knowledge and empowering participants and trainees.

What is the reason for holding a workshop?

    Now that you understand the meaning of a workshop, you must be wondering if it is really worth it or not.

    In fact, organizing a workshop is not as complicated as it seems, but the benefits that come from it are really worth it.

    People always want to progress and learn other things, and this is what causes the market for courses and specializations to grow permanently. In other words, this offers great potential for gaining potential customers for your products and services.

    And it does not stop there, but when you hold a workshop that shines in this special event as a reference in the field of conversation, after all, if you manage to organize an event of this type, this is proof that you are fully aware of what you are talking about and the audience can thus trust you more.

    Of course, we cannot forget the opportunity to try to gain more suitable clients for your business as a result of these workshops. We call such a name and this technology “ prospecting ”.

    Imagine that you teach the audience how to solve a problem and provide them with solutions that your business can offer them, surely in such a case, the participants will be more willing to cooperate with you and work alongside you after they become fully aware of the potential of your products and services that you offer them.

How to organize the workshop - step by step

Now that you've read this information, and made your decision to prepare for a workshop, it's time to share your knowledge and information with people. Now you must read the detailed steps to be able to do it to the fullest.

1- Choose the topic or field that you will talk about in the workshop

    The first step that you should plan when you start preparing for the workshop is to choose the topic that you will talk about.
Only after you have identified the area or topic you are going to cover will you be able to follow the other steps as required.

    The first piece of advice we give you is to choose a topic that you are good at talking about as it should. Talking about a topic you do not know well can expose you to making many mistakes, which negatively affects your image and reputation among customers.

    It can also make you feel more nervous while speaking to an audience.

    Even if you already master your field, try to learn more about it, find cases of success on the web, talk to people in the field and provide materials that help the audience, such as books, infographics, videos and images, thus enriching the content and providing more value to the participants With you.

    Finally, the topic must be of interest to the target audience, and it must be innovative and suggestive of newness. Try to provide value to the people who register for the event, times like these are the right moments to think beyond the ordinary.

2- Choose the audience you want to target in the workshop

    If a topic has to be of interest to your audience, you need to know your audience well so that you can actually choose the topics that interest and need them.

    For this reason, try to have drawn clear client features personalized to suit your business, Persona, to understand the problems experienced by this audience, and find out ways through which the workshop you have to help them solve the problems and difficulties they have.

    In addition, getting to know your ideal audience gives you more important details about how to talk to them, the tone of the conversation, the arrangement of the event or event, the type of educational materials you will provide them with, the activities and practical exercises you will distribute to them, and more.

3- Select the place, date and time

    After you define the topic of the workshop and get to know a little bit about your audience and what you will offer them in principle. The time has come to determine the appropriate place and time for the workshop, and you must also think of everything you need in place to complete this workshop to the fullest.

    It is important to find a nice and convenient place for the workshop to take place. This helps to embody and transfer knowledge and science easily and clearly to the participants. You should also consider the size of the audience and the type of physical structure that will be necessary for the venue of the workshop.

4- Select the details related to the event and arrange them

    Another important detail that you should take into consideration is the outline of the workshop and its duration. 

    There is no fixed rule for such details, as it depends on the area you want to talk about and the circumstances.

    But remember that on average the workshop lasts for 6 or 8 hours with a lunch break, as well as periods of networking among the participants and networking.

    In general, the workshop can be divided into the following moments:

  • The opening, punctuated by a quick introduction to the coordinators.
  • Explanation of the content being provided
  • Lunch break or afternoon coffee
  • Activities and practical exercises or a place for interaction between the participants
  • coffee break (another break)
  • An analysis of the results obtained by the participants concluded the event.

5- Gather the necessary materials and tools

    After completing the details of the event or workshop outline, try to secure the detailed equipment and tools you will need for the workshop.

    This includes all electronic devices, audio baffles, microphones, presentation equipment, projector and projection screen, computers, educational materials and even notebooks that you will distribute to the participants to write down the important points and their participation in them.

    Try to prepare everything well in advance so that you do not get any kind of surprise in this context, try all the equipment so that you are ready to replace the ones that do not work as they should.

6- Promote and promote the workshop

    Now is the time to market and promote this event, for everything to go perfectly, start promoting this workshop at least within a month of its appointment.

    Find the social media on which your target audience is located, and focus your marketing work on it. You can prepare publications on Facebook, Instagram or even LinkedIn, for example, or plan marketing campaigns via mail.

    When creating marketing contents, try to pass on all the basic information to the participants, such as the subject, date, time, place, persons responsible for running the workshop (coordinators) as well as the invitees and mention the duration of the workshop (in hours) so that the participating audience is fully prepared.

7- The participants in the workshop are most welcome

    At this stage, you are ready to receive the participants on the day of the workshop, receive the participants in the best way, provide instructions for them and the team that will work with you on how to confirm their reservation and certify their names.

    And don't forget to keep an eye on the clock and time! Respect the dates you set for the beginning and end of this event, in this way you avoid errors and problems that may negatively affect the quality of the workshop as a whole.

8- Don't forget to pay attention to the post-workshop phase - after the event

    Do not think that the work on the workshop ends once the session is over and the participants leave. In fact, everything I've been through is just the beginning.

    The post-event stage is a very important stage and its importance is equivalent to the event as a whole, considering that at such a stage you must work to win the interaction of the audience and participants.

    After the workshop is over, send them an email thanking them for their participation and attendance, and tell them when the certificate of attendance will be available to them.

    If you have recorded the content of the workshop, it is a very good idea to present this recorded content to them, or even to people who were unable to attend despite their announcement of their desire to do so.

    And don't forget to accompany your submission of this recorded content with a form on the advertise page so that people put their registration information to get to know them more and gain them more potential customers for your business.

In conclusion, we leave you an How to increase sales figures in the year 2021 
